
蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书

日期:2024-12-19 08:28
摘要:蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书

蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书


1  Overview

The BM-RHT-6AS is a Humidity and Temperature Sensor,with two channels out put 4mA to 20mA of humidity and temperature transmitter.

1) Features

Excellent long-term stability

Maximum load 665Ω

Separated 4mA to 20mA transmitter

Digital humidity and temperature sensors

2 )Applications

HVAC  Consumer Goods  Weather Stations  Test & Measurement  Automation Medical Humidifiers

3 )Product Introduction

BM-RHT-6AS  have a delicate appearance convenient for used,show as figure1.

1.4 Technical Specification


(1) Where:(Depends on the operating voltage Vs)

(2) Differences value between the temperature measurement of the device opreating in 1 minute and after 30 minutes.

(3) The time from the step carry out to the step value reach the sity three percent.

2  Installation

1)  Mechanical Installation

The product can be fixed or wall hung.Then open the case,refer to the figure 2 for the dimensions.

2) Cable Connection

The product adopts two-wire system with two channal of 4-20mA output.the electrical connections refer to the figure 3.


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