- 入驻时间: 2005-08-29
- 联系人:曾冰
- 电话:0755-83613369
- Email:494863980@qq.com
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- 联系人 : 李先生
- 联系电话 : 0755-83613369
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蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书
蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书 蓝月 BM-RHT-6AS 温湿度变送器 使用说明书
1 Overview
The BM-RHT-6AS is a Humidity and Temperature Sensor,with two channels out put 4mA to 20mA of humidity and temperature transmitter.
1) Features
Excellent long-term stability
Maximum load 665Ω
Separated 4mA to 20mA transmitter
Digital humidity and temperature sensors
2 )Applications
HVAC Consumer Goods Weather Stations Test & Measurement Automation Medical Humidifiers
3 )Product Introduction
BM-RHT-6AS have a delicate appearance convenient for used,show as figure1.
1.4 Technical Specification
(1) Where:(Depends on the operating voltage Vs)
(2) Differences value between the temperature measurement of the device opreating in 1 minute and after 30 minutes.
(3) The time from the step carry out to the step value reach the sity three percent.
2 Installation
1) Mechanical Installation
The product can be fixed or wall hung.Then open the case,refer to the figure 2 for the dimensions.
2) Cable Connection
The product adopts two-wire system with two channal of 4-20mA output.the electrical connections refer to the figure 3.