GON-1800 应用于各种LED路灯、室内外各种照明灯具的空间光强分布及多种光度参数的测定。包括:空间光强分布曲线、任意截面上的光强分布曲线、等照度分布曲线、亮度限制曲线、区域光通量、灯具效率、眩光等级、灯具的总光通量、有效光通量、利用系数等等。 GON-1800 can be applied to measure optical parameters for various kinds of LED street lights,luminaries indoor or outdoor.In detail,it can measure spatial intensity distribution curve, cross section spatial intensity distribution curve, isolux distribution curve, luminance limitation curve,area luminous flux,luminaries efficiency, glare class, total luminous flux,effective luminous flux,utilization factor,etc.
◆ 原理上完全满足国际及国内*新相关标准的要求 Meet CIE , IESNA standard international test requirements
◆ 测量数据符合国际标准格式,测试结果可以按IESNAL国际标准格式要求导出,可直接作为国际通用的照明设计软件的输入数据 Test data format meets international standard, can be output in IESNAL format and directly used in international illuminant design software ◆ 采用旋转灯具,实现B-β 、A-α 和C-γ 等多种测量方式 By rotating luminaries to fulfill different measurement method such as B-β, A-α, C-γ ◆ 使用国际知名品牌电机和减速机,传动精密,运行极其平稳 Use world-famous motors and reductors , precise transmission and running smoothly ◆ 配置格栅灯、投光灯、路灯等各类专业测试夹具(另配) With professional test jigs for grille light,spot light and street light (Optional) ◆ **设计激光瞄准调校装置 Innovation design for laser aiming calibration equipment ◆ 精密高灵敏度恒温光度探测器,标准级V(λ)修正,大幅提高测量精度与稳定性 With accurate, constant temperature and high sensitivity photometer detector, standard fine V(λ)correction ◆ RS-232标准接口,中英文Windows操作界面 With RS-232 standard interface and English/Chinese Windows operation system ◆ 配手持式遥控器,方便控制两轴转动 With handhold remote control, easy to control the rotation of 2 shafts ◆ 照度测量范围 Test range of Luminance:0.001lx ~20000lx ◆ 灯具可绕垂直轴-180°~180°或0°~360°旋转 Luminaries rotating around vertical axis:-180°~180° or 0°~360° ◆ 灯具可绕水平轴-180°~180° 或0°~360°旋转 Luminaries rotating around horizontal axis:-180°~180°or 0°~360° ◆ 角度精度 Angle accuracy: 0.1° ◆ 测量灯具的*大规格 Max spec of luminaries can be measured: 1)功率 Power: 4kVA 2)重量 Weight: 50kg 3)外形尺寸 Outer dimension: 1500mm×1400mm ◆ 测试距离:根据用户实验室尺寸 Test distance :according to lab size
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