日期:2025-03-13 08:04
摘要:嘉善嘉银电子科技有限公司成立于2008年3月28日,是研发、生产型企业。 公司成立之初,以LED照明产品应用为核心业务,大力投入研发。我们是一个年轻有活力的团队。我们有较高的工作效率。公司成立伊始便投入大量资金购买各种实验与专业检测设备,对供应商提供的材料进行严格的老化检测和筛选。根据检测结果,我们选择质量可靠,价格合理的供应商合作,使我们的产品品质更有保障,价格更优惠。



JIASHANJORAY ELECTRONIC TECHNOLOGY CO., LTD, an R&Dand manufacturecompany was established on March 28, 2008. When thecompany wasbuilt, we take LED lighting application as our corebusiness, andwe contribute great effort on ResearchandDevelopment.
We haveayoung and energetic team with high working efficiency. Atthebeginning, we invested great amount of money in different kindsofexperiment and professional testing equipment, with which wedostrict aging test and screening on the materials that providedbysuppliers. According to the testing result, we choosesupplierswith best quality and reasonable price, so that ourproducts areguaranteed with high quality and bestprice.
Wedesignthe manufacture technology rigorously, we control themanufactureprocess strictly, and we test the products onallaspects.
Ourcompanyis located locate in Jiashan, the intersection of Zhejiang,Jiangsuand Shanghai. The transportation is very convenient. Ittakes onlyone hour driving time to reach the big cities such asShanghai,Hangzhou, Suzhou and Ningbo. We are only about 100 kmaway fromShanghai port and Ningbo port. Meanwhile, Jiashan as asmall townprovide our company with lower running cost and laborcost than bigcities, which is good for us to manufacture morecompetitiveproducts.
Wehavefully reinforced investors as our company’s strong support.Ourfactory covers an area of over 10000 square meters, whiletheworkshop is about 3000 square meters.

Integrating sphere lightanalysissystem
This system can measure optical and electricalparametersof our products such as chromaticitycoordinate;colortemperature;wavelength;rendering index;luminousflux;opticalefficiency;electric current;voltage;power;power factorand soon.
It can help us to choose the better supplier and detecttheperformance of our product.
It can help us to choose the better supplier and detecttheperformance of our product.

AnalogueTransportationTesting Equipment
Put The packed productonthis device. After a period of vibration, then test the productsifthere is problem with the product due to the bumpinessoftransportation