Viva 2-step RT-PCR kit is specially designed to provide reliable synthesis of full-length cDNA and convenient application of cDNA in PCR. M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase synthesize complementary DNA strand initiating from a specific primer, oligo d(T) or random hexamer. The absence of RNase H enhances the synthesis of long cDNA as RNA strand does not degraded in DNA-RNA hybrid during first strand cDNA synthesis. With variety of kit options for standard PCR and long PCR, Viva 2-step RT-PCR kit provides flexibility in an easy use format.
- Absence of RNase H activity allows high amount of full length cDNA synthesis with RNA templates up to 10kb.
- Wide selection of primers, oligo d(T) or random hexamer. Taq DNA Polymerase and MaxTaq DNA Polymerase for amplification for short and long DNA fragments.
Kit Component
Viva cDNA Synthesis Kit
- 10X M-MuLV RT Buffer, 250µl
- 10,000u M-MuLV Reverse Transcriptase
- 10mM dNTPs mix, 0.25ml
- RNase-free water 3ml
- 40µM Oligo d( T ), 100µl
- 50ng/µl Random hexamer, 100µl
Viva PCR Kit
- 500u Taq DNA Polymerase / 500u Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase / 500u MaxTaq DNA Polymerase / 500u Chromo MaxTaq DNA Polymerase
- 10X PCR Reaction Buffers
- 50mM MgCl2
- 10mM dNTPs Mix, 0.25ml
- Store at -20°C
Ordering Information
Catalog No | Description | Pack Size |
RTPL12 | Viva 2-Step RT-PCR kit with M-MuLV RT / Taq DNA Polymerase | 100 applications |
RTPL16 | Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase | 100 applications |
RTPL22 | Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / MaxTaq DNA Polymerase | 100 applications |
RTPL26 | Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo MaxTaq DNA Polymerase | 100 applications |
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR kit with M-MuLV RT / Taq DNA Polymerase
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo Taq DNA Polymerase
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / MaxTaq DNA Polymerase
Viva 2-Step RT-PCR Kit with M-MuLV RT / Chromo MaxTaq DNA Polymerase