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  • 产品名称:T4 DNA Ligase

  • 产品型号:ME4303 ME4304
  • 产品厂商:Vivantis Technologies Sdn. Bhd.
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Home Polymerases & Modifying Enzymes Modifying Enzymes T4 DNA Ligase T4 DNA Ligase Description T4 DNA Ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between juxtaposed 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA or RNA. This enzyme will join blunt-end and cohesive end termini as well as repair single stranded nicks in duplex DNA, RNA, or DNA-RNA hybrids.
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T4 DNA Ligase

T4 DNA Ligase catalyzes the formation of a phosphodiester bond between juxtaposed 5'-phosphate and 3'-hydroxyl termini in duplex DNA or RNA. This enzyme will join blunt-end and cohesive end termini as well as repair single stranded nicks in duplex DNA, RNA, or DNA-RNA hybrids.

50 - 200u/μl


  • Ultrapure recombinant protein
  • Seals single-stranded nicks in duplex DNA, RNA or DNA-RNA hybrids.
  • ATP is an essential cofactor for the reaction.

Supplied With 
10X Buffer T4 Ligase 

50mM Tris-HCl (pH7.8 at 25˚C), 10mM MgCl2, 10mM DTT, 1mM ATP and 25μg/ml BSA. Store at -20˚C.

Storage Buffer 
10mM Tris-HCl (pH7.5), 50mM NaCl, 0.1mM EDTA, 10mM 2-mercaptoethanol and 50% glycerol. Store at -20˚C.

Thermal Inactivation 
65˚C for 15 minutes

Unit Definition 
1u (*Cohesive End Ligation Unit) is defined as the amount of enzyme that is required to give 50% ligation of Hind III fragments of lambda DNA (5' DNA termini concentration of 0.12μM [300μg/ml]) in 20μl of 1X T4 DNA Ligase Buffer in 30 minutes at 16˚C.
*One Cohesive End Ligation Unit is equal to 0.015 Weiss units. Equivalently, one Weiss unit is equal to 67 Cohesive End Ligation Units.


  • Catalyzes the linkage of 5' or 3' blunt/cohesive ends of double-stranded DNA by formation of phosphodiester bond.
  • Joining of oligonucleotide linkers or adapters to blunt ends.
  • Repair nicks formation in duplex nucleic acids.

Quality Control
All preparations are assayed for contaminating endonuclease, exonuclease and non-specific DNase activities.

Ordering Information

Catalog No Description Pack Size
ME4303 T4 DNA Ligase 4000u
ME4304 T4 DNA Ligase 20000u


T4 DNA Ligase

This Product Has Been Used In:
Dehnaiv, E., Fathi-Roudsari,M., Mirzaie, S., Arab., S.S., Siadat, S.O.R., Khajeh, K. (2017) Engineering disulfide bonds in Selenomonas ruminantium B-xylosidase by experimental and computational methods. International Journal of Biological Macromolecules. 95. Pp.248-255
Mohandesi, N., Haghbeen, K., Ranaei, O., Arab, S.S., Hassani, S. (2017) Catalytic Efficiency and thermostability improvement of SUC2 invertase through rational site-directed mutagenesis.Enzyme and Microbial Technology.96. pp14-22
Busayapongchai, P., Siri, S.(2017). Sensitive detection of estradiol based on ligand binding domain of estrogen receptor and gold nanoparticles. Analytical biochemistry. 518, pp.60-68.
Kohnehrouz, B.B., & Nayeri, S. (2016) Design, Cloning and In silico Analysis of Efficient siRNA-inducing Casette for Silencing Wheat γ-gliadins. Jordan Journal of Biological Sciences9(1), p.35-40.
Meidaninikkjeh, S., Vaziri,F., Siadat, S.D. (2015) Cloning of conserved regions of nontypeable Haemophilus influenzae hmw1 core binding domain. International Journal of Molecular and Clinical Microbiology.5(1) pp.510-515


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