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  • 产品名称:ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit

  • 产品型号:QM5076
  • 产品厂商:Vivantis Technologies Sdn. Bhd.
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Home ViPrimePLUS Real-Time PCR Kits Human Infection qPCR/RT-qPCR Kits Virus ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit Description The ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit is a Taqman probe-based real-time PCR assay for the detection of H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain virus genome in
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ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit

The ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit is a Taqman probe-based real-time PCR assay for the detection of H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain virus genome in clinical samples (e.g. nasopharyngeal swab and blood).
Influenza virus is a RNA virus that infects birds and mammals. Transmission is via contact with bodily fluid of infected person or animals. Symptoms of influenza disease are often confused with the less severe common cold, such as fever, sore throat, muscle and headaches, cough and fatigue. In persistent infection, it could develop into pneumonia that is fatal to children and elderly. The 3 types of influenza are influenza A, influenza B and the low epidemiological concern influenza C. Subtypes are termed based on the surface glycoprotein types, i.e. hemagglutinin (H) and neuraminidase (N). In human, type A and B are the common typical seasonal flu, resulting in 300,000 deaths yearly and up to millions in pandemic years. Pandemic usually occurs when the influenza virus acquire ability via mutation and gene reassortment to cross-infect between animals and human. Influenza A consists of only 1 species and infects birds and some mammals. Examples of major influenza A pandemics are the 2009 H1N1 flu (swine flu) and 2003 H5N1 flu (avian influenza) outbreaks, recording more than 50% mortality rate.
ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit is intended for research use only.

Kit Component

  • M1 (global) , N1 (H1N1) Primers and Probe Mix (M1 (global) , N1 (H1N1) PPM)
  • M1 and N1 Positive Control
  • Internal Extraction Control Primers and Probe Mix (IEC PPM)
  • Internal Extraction Control (IEC DNA)
  • Nuclease Free Water
  • Template Preparation Buffer

Product Specification

Technology Taqman probe-based real-time PCR assay
Type of Nucleic Acid Kit RNA
Kit Storage Shipped in room temperature, store at -20℃ on arrival
Sample Material Clinical samples (e.g. nasopharyngeal swab, blood)
Gene Target M1 gene (human and swine) and N1 gene (human only)
Detection Limit 10 to <100 copies per reaction
Sensitivity & Specificity Ct value 28±3 with probability of 95%
Controls Included • Internal Extraction Control (IEC) as inhibition control
• Positive control
Channels • FAM channels detect pathogen amplicons
• VIC/HEX channel detects IEC amplicons

Ordering Information

Catalog No Description Pack Size
QM5076 ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit 150 reactions


ViPrimePLUS H1N1 Influenza Human Pandemic Strain RT-qPCR Kit


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