Differential Quik Stain Kit
Differential Quik Stain Kit (Modified Giemsa) is a high quality, rapid turnaround staining kit that serves many purposes in the cost conscious laboratory environment.
Differential Quik Stain Kit may be used for rapid blood smears for differential assessment, as well as detecting H. pylori microorganisms. The stain is very useful to pathologists for immediate interpretation of fine needle aspiration biopsies. Kit contains a fixative for air-dried cell suspensions and/or touch preparation slides.
- Fine Needle Aspirations
- Frozen Sections
- Blood Smears
- Cytological Specimens
- Cytopreps
- Bone Marrow Biopsies
- Touch Preps
- Microorganism Detection
- Interpret results in minutes
- Visualize nuclear and cytoplasmic staining easily
- Differential stain designed to show virtually all dermapathology cells
- Rapid stain for immediate interpretation of fine needle aspiration biopsies
- Optimal as a hematology stain
- Excellent cytologic detail
- Consistently reliable results
- Detect blood-borne malarial parasites
MSDS / Technical Data Sheets / Product Literature