Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Unlabeled
Flow cytometry is a highly accurate technology used for cell measurements. High quality particles, supplied from Polysciences, are used to calibrate these instruments.
This product is a component of the Flow Check™ YG 6.0 Kit (Cat. #23512), which allows comparision of various levels of green fluorescence. The full kit contains 4 components, each of which is packaged with ~2 x 106 particles per ml: a full intensity bead, two intermediate intensity beads and a blank bead.
Store material at 4ºC and protect from light. No biocides are added during the manufacturing process. DI water is recommended for all particle handling and dilution operations.
MSDS / Technical Data Sheets / Product Literature
- msdsMaterial Safety Datasheet 23521 (PDF)
- dataData Sheet #508
- litFlow Cytometry
- litFlow Cytometry Showcase