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  • 产品名称:Long trebler phosphoramidite

  • 产品型号:24260 34260 44260
  • 产品厂商:其它品牌
  • 产品价格:190
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Long trebler phosphoramidite 24260 34260 44260

Long trebler phosphoramidite

Oligonucleotide synthesis Phosphoramidite
Cat. # Quantity Price Lead time
24260 250 mg  190.00$ in stock
34260 500 mg  290.00$ in stock
44260 1 g  490.00$ in stock
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Long trebler phosphoramidite is a branching reagent for oligonucleotide synthesis allowing to synthesize branched DNA structures using a standard DNA synthesizer.

use of trebler amidite to synthesize branched DNA

After the condensation of the trebler, three DNA branches begin to grow simultaneously with each step of the synthesis. Deblock of this construct gives rise to DNA containing a branching point. One arm (stem) is attached to the branch point with its 5'-end, and other arms (branches) are attached with their 3'-ends. Reverse amidites can be used to prepare constructs with different branch orientations. Repetitive condensations of trebler results in formation of DNA dendrimers.

Trebler amidite can be used to attach several modifier amidites to the 5'-end of an oligonucleotide - for example, three biotin residues can be attached at once.

This amidite does not require any special handling. Recommended coupling time is 5 minutes. No changes to deblock conditions are required.

Long trebler phosphoramidite
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General properties

Appearance: viscous yellowish oil
Molecular weight: 1475.78
Molecular formula: C89H107N2O15P
Solubility: soluble in acetonitrile, dichloromethane
Quality control: NMR 1H, 31P, HPLC-MS (95%)
Storage conditions: Storage: 12 months after receival at -20°C. Transportation: at room temperature for up to 3 weeks. Desiccate.
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Oligo synthesis details

Coupling conditions: 15 min coupling time recommended
Cleavage conditions: ammonia, 2 h at room temperature
Deprotection conditions: identical to protected nucleobases

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