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Cytokines Recombinant Cytokines Epoch Life Science is committed to discovering, developing, manufacturing and marketing Cytokines and Growth Factors to the scientific community worldwide. We have accumulated years of experience specializing in bulk production of E.coli - derived recombinant proteins. The technologies developed at Epoch Life Science allow us to offer ultrapure growth factors and c
Cytokines Recombinant Cytokines Epoch Life Science is committed to discovering, developing, manufacturing and marketing Cytokines and Growth Factors to the scientific community worldwide. We have accumulated years of experience specializing in bulk production of E.coli - derived recombinant proteins. The technologies developed at Epoch Life Science allow us to offer ultrapure growth factors and cytokines with high specific activity at extremely competitive prices. Epoch Life Science is determined to maintain the highest standards and deliver the highest quality products and services. Every batch is strictly tested to meet the requirements of cell-culture grade bioproducts. All of our products are supplied in lyophilized form, making the products easy to handle, ship, store as well as to preserve the biological activity . Factors Description Catalog# Size (µg) Price (USD) hsCD40Ligand Human soluble CD40 ligand 21-00245 10 $120 hLeptin Human Leptin 21-00228 200 $120 hIFN-g Human Interferon-gamma 21-00206 20 $120 hIL-1b Human Interleukin-1 beta 21-00208 2 $120 hIL-2 Human Interleukin-2 21-00209 10 $120 hIL-5 Human Interleukin-5 21-00212 2 $120 hIL-6 Human Interleukin-6 21-00213 5 $120 hIL-15 Human Interleukin-15 21-00230 2 $120 hIGF-I Human Insulin-like Growth Factor-1 21-00216 20 $120 hEGF Human Epidermal Growth Factor 21-00217 100 $120 hVEGF Human Vascular Endothelial Growth Factor 21-00241 2 $120 hPDGF-BB Human Platelet Derived Growth Factor-BB 21-00242 2 $120 hFGF-b Human Fibroblast Growth Factor-Basic 21-00218 10 $120 hKGF Human Keratinocyte Growth Factor 21-00219 2 $120 hG-CSF Human Granulocyte Colony Stimulating Factor 21-00220 2 $120 hGM-CSF Human Granulocyte Macrophage Colony Stimulating Factor 21-00221 2 $120 hTNF-a Human Tumor Necrosis Factor-alpha 21-00223 10 $120 *Bulk order of more *Bulk order of more than 10 mg will receive 15% discount规格:2µg

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