CCK-33 (Porcine) (0.1mg vial)
- Product Code: PCK-4176-s
- Synonyms/Product Alternate Names: Lys-Ala-Pro-Ser-Gly-Arg-Val-Ser-Met-Ile-Lys-Asn-Leu-Gln-Ser-Leu-Asp-Pro-Ser-His-Arg-Ile-Ser-Asp-Arg-Asp-Tyr(SO3H)-Met-Gly-Trp-Met-Asp-Phe-NH2
- Origin: (Porcine)
- Storage Conditions: -20 °C
- Molecular Weight: 3918.4
- Molecular Formula: C166H262N50O52S4
- CAS Number: 67256-27-3
V. Mutt and J.E. Jorpes, Eur. J. Biochem., 6, 156 (1968). (Original; Partial Structure)
V. Mutt and J.E. Jorpes, Biochem. J., 125, 57P (1971). (Original)
Y. Kurano, T. Kimura, and S. Sakakibara, J. Chem. Soc. Chem. Commun., 5, 323 (1987). (Chem. Synthesis)
J.E. Jorpes and V. Mutt (eds.) Secretin, Cholecystokinin, Pancreozymin and Gastrin, Handbook of Experimental Pharmacology, Vol. 34, Springer-Verlag, Berlin, 1973. (Review)