5 ' . . . G↓C TA G A . . . 3 '
3 ' . . . C G TA C↑G . . . 5 '
Storage Buffer
10mM Tris-HCl (pH 7.5), 50mM KCl, 0.1mM EDTA, 7mM 2-mercaptoethanol, 200μg/ml BSA and 50% glycerol.
Unit Definition
5u(1μl) is defined as the amount of enzyme that is required to digest 1μg of DNA within 15 mins at 37˚C in 20μl or 50μl of assay buffer.
Thermal Inactivation
65˚C for 20 minutes
Quality Control Assays
Ligation/ Recutting Assay
After 5-fold overdigestion with Sph I, 90% of the DNA fragments can be ligated and recut.
Overdigestion Assay
An unaltered banding pattern was observed after 1μg of DNA was digested with 10u of Sph I for 16 hours at 37˚C.
Ordering Information
Catalog No | Description | Pack Size |
FDRV1340 | Sph I | Sph I |
Sph I