  • 入驻时间: 2008-08-20
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日期:2024-11-20 21:22
摘要:关键词:acris公司抗体 简介:世界****acris公司抗体原装**,质量保证,价格优惠。 我公司作为acris公司抗体在华销售的品牌代理商,提供一系列的标准、新颖、独特的生化试剂,所有这些产品均具有极高的纯度和高超的品质。完善的库存及供应体系以及高效稳定的**纯化技术,保证产品均能现货供应和产品质量的稳定性。 我公司是国内信誉双收的放心企业代理商,具有良好的市场信誉与口碑,我们有一对一的**的老师对客户进行技术指导,专业的销售和技术服务团队,欢迎广大师生、研究机构等来电咨询,洽商。 产品简介: 我公司——依...
我公司——依托复旦大学,集研发、销售、实验室技术服务于一体的高科技企业。 专业经营进口胎牛血清、细胞因子、ELISA试剂盒等实验室试剂、化工产品、实验室消耗品、实验室耗材以及实验室器材。产品涉及分子生物学、细胞生物学、细菌学、遗传学、免疫学、生物化学、蛋白质学、细胞治疗、**应用等领域。 主要产品及服务: 血清 细胞 抗体 细胞因子 试剂盒 实验试剂 实验耗材 技术服务 实验仪器
德国ACRIS Antibodies cris是一家德国的有名抗体公司,提供近 3 万种各种上等抗体、蛋白及试剂盒,产品范围涉及免疫学、细胞生物学、细胞神经信号传导、蛋白组学、肿瘤生物学等。 Acris GmbH was founded 1998 as a spin off of DPC Biermann GmbH, the German subsidiary of Diagnostic Products Corp., Los Angeles. Acris took over responsibility for marketing the DPC Biermann research products. From 1999 to 2003 Acris GmbH focussed more and more on the research antibodies. The first Antibody Catalog was released 1999 and the number of antibodies increased from several hundreds in 1998 to more than 16,000 in 2003. In the beginning Acris GmbH focussed strongly on the German market serving as a distributor for US and UK antibody manufacturer, but later (2001/2002) more and more products were sold with DPC label to customers all over the world. In 2002 50% of all antibodies were sold as DPC products and Acris GmbH set up a network of distributors starting with US, UK and some countries in Asia. In September 2003 Acris GmbH became a fully independent company and took over all research products and customers from DPC Biermann GmbH. Acris GmbH was renamed Acris Antibodies GmbH what should better reflect our mission. Logistics and customer service moved into the new service and logistic center in Herford and all former DPC products are sold with Acris Antibodies label now. It is our mission to serve the research community with high quality research products. From the beginning it was our idea to resolve a problem what nearly any researcher is confronted with: “How can I find a product/antibody which will work optimal in my research application”. To help these scientists we use two approaches: first we try to collect as many high quality antibodies as possible in one catalog and one online database. But, of course, we are not able to offer antibodies for any possible application and any possible target. Therefore, it will happen that the researcher will not find in our database what he is looking for in spite of the vast number of products. To help these customers we introduced the “Antibody Location Service”, our second approach. “Antibody Location” means for us, that the researcher tells us what he really needs and we look for a suitable product using catalogs, online databases, search engines etc. Within 24-48 hours the researcher will receive an analysis of available products. In 2004 and 2005 many new product lines were added. The number of primary antibodies in óur online catalog inceased to more than 20,000. By now, the distributor network covers most of the developed far east countries, North America, and most European countries. In the last two years , Acris Antibodies developed to the fastest growing antibody supplier in Germany with a doubling in turnover during this time. In the next couple of years we expect to extend our catalog of primary antibodies to >25,000 and to complete our distributor network. More and more production steps will be performed in house to become independent from other suppliers. This will lead to faster delivery and more flexibility to meet the customers needs.

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