介绍了便携式汽车尾气检测仪的设计思想和工作流程,详细阐述了各关键部件的组成和检测软件的工作流程。实验结果表明,对于汽车尾气的主要成分的测量分辨率达到:HC为1 ppm(1ppm=10-6);CO为0.01%;CO2为0.1%;NO为1 ppm;O2为0.01%。 Novel Portable Analyzer of Automobile Emission LU San-lan1,LI Ben-yan2,HUANG Guang-ming3 (1.Electronics and Information Department, Huazhong University of Science and Technology, Wuhan 430074,China;2.Guangzhou Benyan Communication Navigates Information System Inc.,Guangzhou 510630,China,3.College of Physical Science and Technology, Central China Normal University, Wuhan 430079,China) Abstract:Design ideal and flow of a novel portable analyzer of automobile emission was introduced,and the key hardware parts and software were discussed. The experimental results show that resolving power of HC is 1 ppm, CO is 0.01%, CO2 is 0.1%, NO is 1 ppm and O2 is 0.01% in automobile emission. Key words:portable;automobile emission;analyzer