介绍了一种充分利用MSP430的片上资源的蓄电池在线监测系统, 给出了其设计原理,实现方法及软、硬件结构。为了方便系统的扩展,在结构设计时采用了主从式架构,即一主多从模式。主模块监测蓄电池组的电压、电流及环境温度。节点模块(从模块)监测单体蓄电池的电压、内阻和单体蓄电池温度。主从之间通过Mbus协议进行通讯,节点模块将检测的数据上传到主模块,由主模块做出状态评定。从而实现了对蓄电池组的实时监控。 Storage Battery Monitor Based on MSP430 SUN Bu-sheng1,2,SUN Yan-chun2 (1.Shandong University of Science and Technology,Qingdao 266510,China;2.Beijing University of Aeronautics and Astronautics,Beijing 100083,China) Abstract:A storage battery monitor which have taken full advantage of resources of MSP430 was introduced, and presented the design principle, operating method and structure of hardware and software was presented.The system bought forward structure of principal and subordinate to system extension, namely one mainframe and many subordinate modules. The main modules measured voltage and current of storage battery group and environmental temperature. The subordinate module (node module) inspected voltage, internal impedance, temperature of single storage battery, and send measured data to the mainframe by M-bus. The mainframe gave the stage of storage battery. Consequently the system realized realtime monitoring to storage battery group. Key words:MSP430;storage battery;internal impedance; M-bus protocol