一种利用传统电化学传感器和光电效应进行丙酮分析的智能仪器。它采用紫外线和电场电离作用对环境气体中的丙酮进行分解,使其转化为CO,再进一步利用电化学原理检测CO含量的方法对丙酮含量进行检测,实现了传统传感器对丙酮的间接检测和分析。实验证明客中间接分析方法具有较高的精度。 Study on New Instrument for Analysis of Acetone TONG Min-ming,WANG Ying,LI Jiao,Dao Xin-lian,LIU Tao (China University of Mining and Technology,Xuzhou 221008,China) Abstract:A intelligent instrument to analyze the acetone based on photoelectirc effect and electrochemistry sensor was researched.By electric field and ultraviolet radiation,acetone could be transformed to CO.Then the acetone could be detected by analyzing CO with an electrochemistry sensor.The experimental results proved the method with high accuracy for the detection of acetone. Key words:acetone;photoelectric effect;analysis instrument