压电式加速度计具有体积小、质量轻、测量范围宽等特点,在振动测量系统中得到广泛应用。分析了压电式传感器作为一种机电换能器,将振动加速度转变成为电量进行测振的具体原理;阐述了基于压电式加速度计构建振动测量系统的总体方案,整个测试系统主要由压电式加速度计、电荷放大器、动态信号分析仪组成,采集所得振动信号可以实时显示、存储、分析和处理。*后,将该系统应用于压路机实际测振进行了验证。Application and Investigation of Piezoelectric Accelerometer on Vibration Measurement System LU Zhao-feng,QIN Min, CHEN He,LIN Li,ZHANG Ying (Chongqing Jiaotong University, Chongqing 400074,China) Abstract:Introduced the characteristics of the piezoelectric accelerometer such as small volume, lowweight, wide measure range.Stated the technique used in vibration measurement system;analyzed the operating principle of piezoelectric accelerometer from vibration acceleration to charge; and also discussed the overall project based on piezoelectric accelerometer. The vibration measurement system consists of piezoelectric accelerometer, charge amplifier, dynamic data acquisition & analysis system and so on. Acquired vibration signal can be displayed, stored, analyzed and processed in real time. Finally, the system was validated in actual measurement of road roller. Key words:vibration experimentation; measurement system;piezoelectric accelerometer;charge amplifier; dynamic data acquisition & analysis system