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Growing Path

In the middle of 1980s, TeBearing successfullydevelopedthekeycomponent of magnetic bearing forinductiveenergymeter----ringmagnet and the senior engineers whodevelopedthe ringmagnet arenow the investors of TeBearing.

In the beginning of 1990s, the company begantodesign,manufacturemagnetic bearing for inductive energy meter.In1998,TeBearing beganto provide magnetic bearing to somedomesticenergymeter factories.The turnout increased from100,000pcs to 1millionsets within oneyear.

Since 1999, TeBearing has begun to findcustomersinoverseasmarket. The quality and competitive price ofourproducthave wonus long-term customers such as  ABB, GEandITT.

Based on the experience accumulated fromthemanufacturingofmagnetic bearings, TeBearing has extendeditsbusiness toallenergy meter dependent products such asAlNiCobrakemagnets,magnetic cubes, shaft, rotor disk,upperbearing,registers,current & voltage coil, andassociateelectronicdevices suchas magnetizing & demagnetizingdevices,and allkinds ofsintered magnetic materials, mainly forcomputerindustry…


"Strive for Better" is the slogan of TeBearing. Notonlydowestrive for better quality of our products, but alsowestriveformutual benefits, true friendship and sincerecooperation.