北京E5071C 租售安捷伦E5071C 二手网络分析仪
E5071C 网络分析仪具有同类产品中*高的射频性能和*快的速度,并具有宽频率范围和**的功能。它是制造和研发工程师们测试频率范围在 20 GHz 以内的射频元器件和电路的理想解决方案。
Agilent E5071C The HP/Agilent E5071C network analyzer offers the highest RF performanceand fastest speed in its class, with a wide frequency range and versatile functions. The Agilent E5071C is the ideal solution for manufacturing and R&D engineers evaluating RF components and circuits from 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz.
Options: E5071C-008 = Frequency offset mode E5071C-010 = Time domain analysis E5071C-017 = Removable hard disk drive E5071C-019 = Standard hard disk drive E5071C-1A7 = ISO 17025 compliant calibration E5071C-1CM = Rack mount kit E5071C-1CN = Front handle kit E5071C-1CP = Rack mount and front handle kit E5071C-1E5 = High stability timebase E5071C-240 = 2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 4.5 GHz without Bias Tees E5071C-245 = 2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 4.5 GHz with Bias Tees E5071C-260 = 2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 6.5 GHz without Bias Tees E5071C-265 = 2-port Test Set, 100 kHz to 6.5 GHz with Bias Tees E5071C-280 = 2-port Test Set, 9 kHz to 8.5 GHz without Bias Tees