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SIKA – Your Competent Partner for Measurement and Control Technology德国SIKA公司---**的测量仪器仪表品牌



Company History 

Over 100 years ago, the company’sfounders,Dr.Carl Siebert und Albert Kühn, recognised an increasingdemandfortechnically high quality, precision thermometersandglassapparatus. They founded the company Dr. Siebert &KühnGmbH& Co. KG on November 1, 1901, thus laying thefoundationforthe success story that is SIKA in the development andproductionofhigh quality measurement equipment.
SIKA is still entirely family-owned and is run by membersoftheSiebert family in the 4th generation.
The Company 
The seat of the SIKA corporate groupisinKaufungen. In addition to SIKA Dr. Siebert & KühnGmbH&Co. KG, the group consists of SIKA Systemtechnik GmbHandSIKAAquatec GmbH. 270 employees develop, produce andsellmeasurementdevices, calibrators and sensory mechanisms forthephysicalfactors of temperature, flow, level and pressure.
In France and the United States, SIKA can offeritscustomerscompetent on-site support in the form of SIKAFrance,Paris, andSIKA USA, Sturtevant (Wisconsin).
A Tradition of Quality 
Customer centricity was at the heartofthecorporate culture even in the dawning days of SIKA.Thishasremained until the present day. SIKA offers optimumsolutionstonumerous measurement problems, drawing on a broad rangeofproductsand developments.
SIKA product specialists offerqualifiedsupportin selecting equipment from the standard programmeand alsoin themutual development of components and assemblieswithOEMcustomers.
SIKA products are synonymous withhighqualitystandards. SIKA thermometers, which measure justasprecisely afterten years as immediately after production,areexamples of thestandards that are satisfied indevelopment,purchasing andproduction. This means that SIKA can alsosatisfyambitious qualitygoals for large series in all productranges. Thisfocus on qualityis documented in the certificationaccording to DINEN ISO9001.
At HomeonAllContinents 
Customers from all over the world areconvincedbythe products and services provided by SIKA. They findlocalsupportfrom sales partners in all important developednations.Thesepartners can draw on the complete reservoir ofspecialistexpertisein Kaufungen and can therefore tap the richexperiencefrom the useof SIKA products around the world.
Short delivery times for numerous standard items canbeguaranteedthanks to the stocks held by main retailers.
This customer centricity has brought SIKA a goodreputationaroundthe world and has created a healthy baseofsatisfiedcustomers.
The consistent development of products and service isaguaranteethat SIKA will remain a strong partner for itscustomersin futurealso.