Output Ratings Voltage: 0 to 15 V Current: 0 to 3 A Peak Current for up to 7 ms: 5 A Programming accuracy at 25°C ±5°C Voltage: 0.05%+ 10 mV + Current: 0.05%+ 1.33 mA DC Readback Accuracy Voltage: 0.03% + 5 mV Current (+20 mA to + rated current): 0.2% + 0.5 mA Current (-20 mA to – rated current): 0.2% + 1.1 mA Current (-20 mA to + 20 mA range): 0.1% + 2.5 A Transient Response 70 mV drop, <35 s transient response time
66311B移动通信直流电源提供了快速瞬时态响应能力和高精度快速测量能力。这一产品是为测试数字无线通信产品专门设计的。66311B 移动通信直流电源提供了一种新功能,可以自动检测开路传感连接。这种新功能是是德(安捷伦)专有的技术,可以帮助测试工程师避免远程电压设置不当,保证正确校准被测设备的充电器电路。