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随着麦克仪器在中国的逐渐普及,越来越多的用户选择了麦克仪器,麦克仪器也协助众多科学研究人员取得重要研究成果,发表到Nature、Science、Advanced Materials、Chemical Reviews等国际有名期刊,为方便大家了解*新行业研究成果,特开辟“每周分享”栏目,我们每周将和大家分享一篇化学或者材料领域知名期刊发表的文章,希望能对大家的科研工作尽微薄之力。

    今天给大家分享的是2014年3月份《Advanced Materials》上发表的一篇名为:Nitrogen-Doped Holey Graphitic Carbon from 2D Covalent Organic Polymers for Oxygen Reduction的文章,北京化工大学采用新的方法合成“氮掺杂多孔石墨碳”,文章摘要如下:

Using covalent organic polymer pre­cursors, we have developed a new strategy for location control of N-dopant heteroatoms in the graphitic porous carbon, which otherwise is impossible to achieve with conventional N-doping techniques. The electrocatalytic activities of the N-doped holey graphene analogues are well correlated to the N-locations, showing possibility for tailoring the structure and property of N-doped carbon nanomaterials.


