TH200邵氏硬度计产品说明: TH200邵氏硬度计为橡胶A型硬度计,它具有携带方便、造型美观、重量轻等优点。TH200邵氏硬度计能快速准确地进行塑料、软橡胶、合成橡胶、打印胶辊的测量。TH200邵氏硬度计在化工及橡胶业有着广泛的应用。 TH200邵氏硬度计主要特点: 造型美观,携带方便,能与计算机通讯。 TH200邵氏硬度计主要功能: 具有峰值销锁存、平均值计算及欠压报警功能; 与本机携带的时代公司RS232通讯电缆连接,能与计算机进行数据通讯; 具有自动关机功能。 TH200邵氏硬度计测量范围及测量误差 测量范围:0~100HA; 测量误差:在20~90HA内,HA≤±1度 2.环境温度:0~40℃ 3.分 辨 率:0.2HA 4.电源:3×1.55V钮扣电池 5.外型尺寸:168×31×30mm 6.重量:144g
Shore Hardness Tester TH200
Product info:
Digital durometer for Shore A hardness testing
Pocketsize model with integrated probe
Standards: DIN 53505, ASTM D 2240, ISO 7619, JIS K7215
RS232 data output
Operating stand optional
Bright & clear LCD display
300 hours continuous use with standard batteries
Automatically switch off
Battery low indication and alarmTechnical specificationsStandard delivery
Main unit
Button batteries 1.55V
TIME certificate
Instruction manual
Warranty card
Optional accessories
RS232 communication cable
Operating stand TH200FJUse operation stand of optional accessories, can get good measurement accuracy and repetitiveness. Constant measurement force, to eliminate the errors caused by artificially applied different force.The operation handle evenly applies the force to the sample; adjusts the testing height to meet the measurement of different sample thickness.
涂装 相关仪器:涂层测厚仪,漆膜硬度测试仪,电解膜厚仪,黏度计/粘度计,X射线测厚仪,附着力测试仪,微型光泽仪,分光色差仪,雾影仪,反射率测定仪,光谱仪,涂膜干燥时间记录仪,标准光源箱
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