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> ATCC 13048 产气肠杆菌


ATCC 13048 产气肠杆菌

ATCC 13048 产气肠杆菌
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  • 产品名称:ATCC 13048 产气肠杆菌
  • 产品型号:ATCC 13048
  • 产品展商:美国标准生物品收藏中心(ATCC)
  • 产品文档:无相关文档
ATCC 13048 产气肠杆菌ATCC 菌种|标准菌株|质控菌种|微生物菌种|菌种,现货供应 ATCC 菌种
ATCC 13048 产气肠杆菌
ATCC® Number: 13048™    Price: $40.00
Preceptrol® Culture
Organism: Enterobacter aerogenes Hormaeche and Edwards deposited as Aerobacter aerogenes Hormaeche and Edwards
Designations: NCDC 819-56 [Cloaca B, IFO 13534, NCTC 10006]
Isolation: sputum, South Carolina Dept. of Health and Environmental Control
Depositor: CDC
Biosafety Level: 1
Shipped: freeze-dried
Growth Conditions: ATCC medium3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth
Temperature: 30.0°C
Duration: aerobic
Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Cross References: Nucleotide (GenBank) : AB032468 Enterobacter aerogenes genes for ORF, L-2,4-diaminobutyrate decarboxylase, partial and complete cds.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : AF052255 Enterobacter aerogenes DNA gyrase A (gyrA) gene, partial cds.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : AJ404624 Enterobacter aerogenes marA gene, marC gene (partial), marR gene and marB gene (partial).
Nucleotide (GenBank) : AX110938 Sequence 1671 from Patent WO0123604.
Type Strain: yes [36887]
Comments: This strain is recommended by ATCC for use in the tests described in ASTM Standard Test Method D4783-89 where only the taxon is specified.
Applications: Control Culture [92370] [92373] [92375] [92376]
assay of
assay of antimicrobial preservatives
bacterial resistance testing adhesives
bacterial resistance testing paint [7081] [21452]
detection of [92254]
quality control strain ( [92145] quality control for the DuPont RiboPrinter [Reg TM] Microbial Characterization System)
reference material [92315] [92326] [92327] [92328] [92329] [92332] [92333] [92341]
testing [92358] [92360]
testing slimicide [92272]
quality control strain for BBL, bioMerieux Vitek, and Difco products
ATCC® Number: 13048™    Price:  
Preceptrol® Culture
Organism: Enterobacter aerogenes Hormaeche and Edwards deposited as Aerobacter aerogenes Hormaeche and Edwards
Designations: NCDC 819-56 [Cloaca B, IFO 13534, NCTC 10006]
Isolation: sputum, South Carolina Dept. of Health and Environmental Control
Depositor: CDC
Biosafety Level: 1
Shipped: freeze-dried
Growth Conditions: ATCC medium3: Nutrient agar or nutrient broth
Temperature: 30.0°C
Duration: aerobic
Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Cross References: Nucleotide (GenBank) : AB032468 Enterobacter aerogenes genes for ORF, L-2,4-diaminobutyrate decarboxylase, partial and complete cds.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : AF052255 Enterobacter aerogenes DNA gyrase A (gyrA) gene, partial cds.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : AJ404624 Enterobacter aerogenes marA gene, marC gene (partial), marR gene and marB gene (partial).
Nucleotide (GenBank) : AX110938 Sequence 1671 from Patent WO0123604.
Type Strain: yes [36887]
Comments: This strain is recommended by ATCC for use in the tests described in ASTM Standard Test Method D4783-89 where only the taxon is specified.
Applications: Control Culture [92370] [92373] [92375] [92376]
assay of
assay of antimicrobial preservatives
bacterial resistance testing adhesives
bacterial resistance testing paint [7081] [21452]
detection of [92254]
quality control strain ( [92145] quality control for the DuPont RiboPrinter [Reg TM] Microbial Characterization System)
reference material [92315] [92326] [92327] [92328] [92329] [92332] [92333] [92341]
testing [92358] [92360]
testing slimicide [92272]
quality control strain for BBL, bioMerieux Vitek, and Difco products
  • 温馨提示:为规避购买风险,建议您在购买前务必确认供应商资质与产品质量。
  • 免责申明:以上内容为注册会员自行发布,若信息的真实性、合法性存在争议,平台将会监督协助处理,欢迎举报

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