Rhodospirillum rubrum ATCC 11170, complete genome.
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Nucleotide (GenBank) : D30778 Rhodospirillum rubrum gene for 16S ribosomal RNA.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : M55497 Rhodospirillum rubrum (ATCC 11170) 16S ribosomal RNA (partial).
Nucleotide (GenBank) : M20899 R.rubrum puf operon pufM gene encoding the M polypeptide, 3' end.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : J04820 Rhodospirillum rubrum (ATCC 11170) photoreaction center H subunit (puh) mRNA, 5. end.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : M20897 R.rubrum puf gene operon pufB gene encoding beta polypeptide of the B880 antenna, 5' end.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : AH000927 R.rubrum puf gene operon pufB gene encoding beta polypeptide of the B880 antenna, 5' end.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : M20898 R.rubrum puf operon pufA gene encoding alpha polypeptide of the B880 antenna, 3' end, and pufL gene, 5' end.
Nucleotide (GenBank) : CP000230 Rhodospirillum rubrum ATCC 11170, complete genome.
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