HTB-128 MDA-MB-415 人乳腺腺癌细胞
ATCC® Number: HTB-128™ Price: $417.00
Designations: MDA-MB-415
Depositors: R Cailleau
Biosafety Level: 1
Shipped: frozen
Medium & Serum: See Propagation
Growth Properties: adherent
Organism: Homo sapiens (human)
Morphology: epithelial
Source: Organ: mammary gland; breast
Disease: adenocarcinoma
Derived from metastatic site: pleural effusion
Permits/Forms: In addition to the MTA mentioned above, other ATCC and/or regulatory permits may be required for the transfer of this ATCC material. Anyone purchasing ATCC material is ultimately responsible for obtaining the permits. Please click here for information regarding the specific requirements for shipment to your location.
Isolation: Isolation date: 1975
Tumorigenic: No
Antigen Expression: Blood Type O
DNA Profile (STR): Amelogenin: X
CSF1PO: 10,12
D13S317: 11,13
D16S539: 13
D5S818: 11,13
D7S820: 9,10
THO1: 7,9.3
vWA: 17
Cytogenetic Analysis: modal number =73; range = 65 to 76. The stemline chromosome number is hypertriploid with the 2S component occurring at 0.8%. Ten markers (del(2), t(6;?), t(6;?), t(2;12), t(14;?), and single or paired M6, M7, M8, M9, and M10) were common to all cells, and four others (M13, M15, M16, and t(13,21) occurred in some cells. The X chromosome was generally tetrasomic and chromosome 4 was tetrasomic or pentasomic (P35). No Y chromosomes were detected in QM stained preparations.
Isoenzymes: AK-1, 1
ES-D, 2
GLO-I, 1-2
Me-2, 2
PGM1, 1
PGM3, 1
Age: 38 years
Gender: female
Comments: The cells express the WNT7B oncogene [PubMed: 8168088].
The patient presenting with the tumor was from Paraguay and, although listed as Caucasian, may have had mixed ancestry as suggested by the presence of G6PD type A phenotype in the cells.
The line forms flat, spreading plaques of epithelia which exhibit desmosomes, extensive microtubules and microfilaments upon examination with the electron microscope. It is not amenable to trypsinization.
Propagation: ATCC complete growth medium: Leibovitz's L-15 medium with 2mM L-glutamine supplemented with 10 mcg/ml insulin and 10 mcg/ml glutathione, 85%; fetal bovine serum, 15%
Atmosphere: air, 100%
Temperature: 37.0°C
Subculturing: Protocol: Subcultures are prepared by scraping. Remove old medium, add fresh, dislodge cells, aspirate and dispense into new flasks. Subculture every 6 to 8 days.
Subcultivation Ratio: A subcultivation ratio of 1:2 is recommended
Medium Renewal: 2 to 3 times per week
Preservation: Freeze medium: Complete growth medium supplemented with 5% (v/v) DMSO
Storage temperature: liquid nitrogen vapor phase
Related Products: Recommended medium (without the additional supplements or serum described under ATCC Medium):ATCC 30-2008
recommended serum:ATCC 30-2020
purified DNA:ATCC 45524
purified DNA:ATCC 45525
purified DNA:ATCC HTB-128D
References: 1206: Brinkley BR, et al. Variations in cell form and cytoskeleton in human breast carcinoma cells in vitro. Cancer Res. 40: 3118-3129, 1980. PubMed: 7000337
22329: Beall PT, et al. Polypeptides that inhibit human breast cancer cell division. Cancer Biochem. Biophys. 3: 93-96, 1979. PubMed: 552902
22429: Siciliano MJ, et al. Mutually exclusive genetic signatures of human breast tumor cell lines with a common chromosomal marker. Cancer Res. 39: 919-922, 1979. PubMed: 427779
22656: Cailleau R, et al. Long-term human breast carcinoma cell lines of metastatic origin: preliminary characterization. In Vitro 14: 911-915, 1978. PubMed: 730202
23113: Huguet EL, et al. Differential expression of human Wnt genes 2, 3, 4, and 7B in human breast cell lines and normal and disease states of human breast tissue. Cancer Res. 54: 2615-2621, 1994. PubMed: 8168088
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