YL-8805S高低温保持力试验机 / 恒温恒湿型持粘性试验机
产品简介:本机为分体式结构,是专用于在高温、低温或湿度的环境下测试保持力的装置。可同时测多组。 Introduction:This tester is split structure , specially used for test retentivity in high temperature, low temperature, or humidity environment. It is available to multi-groups test simultaneously.
依据标准:依照有关于保持力的标准规范进行测试。 Design Standards:To conduct tests in accordance with the standard specifications of retentivity PSTC-107 procedure G、 PSTC-53 、TLMI -7、 ASTM D3654 procedure A
规格与特点:Specification: 1、分体可拆式设计,计时器组可拆下另外放。 The fission is detachable design, the timer groups can be detached and placed independently. 2、两组间以2.5M长的耐热电缆线连接。 There is an long as 2.5M heating resistant cable wire between every two groups to connect. 3、定时器是1公分宽的显示屏,显示到0.1分钟 Timer is a displaying screen as wide as 1cm, which can display 0.1 minutes. 4、遵照 PSTC规定使用2" × 3" (5cm × 7.5 cm) 标准钢片 According to PSTC , use 2" × 3" (5cm × 7.5 cm) standard steel sheet. 5、 保持力钢片*厚可放到6mm厚。 Retention steel sheet can be as thick as 6mm at most. 6、整个可耐热到 400°F (0°C~204°C)长久使用。 The whole machine can bear 400°F (0°C~204°C) , which can be used for a long time. 7、 吊挂角度可以从180° 或选择角度可调 The hang angle can be adjustable from 180° or selective angle. 8、 可以放进专用烘箱,高低温试验箱,恒温恒湿试验箱中使用。 Available to be put into use in dedicated oven, high and low test chamber, constant temperature and humidity test chamber 9、 不必插电,电池可用十年 It is not necessary to connect to the power , the battery can be used for 10 years.