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On December 13, China national standardizationmanagement committee issued by 2010 national standards of revisingthe plan, which explicitly by the Chinese electrical scienceinstitute lead fiber composite low voltage cables nationalstandards work, marks the optical fiber composite low voltagecables research work and another new level, but also to earlyChinese electrical science institute in fiber composite low voltagecables in a series of research affirmative.


Power FTTH is intelligent power grid construction inone of the attractive content, in intelligent building torealization of voice, data, video and synchronous access powerlines, achieve resource sharing, accord with economical socialdevelopment philosophy. Three nets fusion target through fibercomposite low voltage cables transmission channels to achieve.Optical fiber composite low voltage cables as a kind ofoptoelectronic composite cable, the current at home and abroad werenot applicable quality testing and evaluation standard. In order toimplement state grid corporation of intelligent power gridconstruction decision deployment, meet state grid corporation powerFTTH pilot project quality objectives, ensure intelligent villageconstruction effect, its key technology research and standardcompilation work particularly important.

Since December 2009 menstrual expert, approved byministry of science and technology, state grid corporation by Chinaelectrical science college to lead and XinTong company attendassume by state grid corporation of a large type scientificresearch project, the voltage power special photoelectric compositecable multi-network fusion technology research on electricalscience institute, China has actively organize professionalresearch team, steady headway in fiber composite low voltage cableskey technology research, standard compilation of work. After a yearof research work hard effort, formed including product standardsand product patent technology, a series of studies.

At present, the compilation of the optical fibercomposite low voltage cables of standard has formed Chinaelectrical science institute enterprise standards and state gridcorporation of the enterprise standard. To ensure the constructionquality and quality of products provide a powerful technical basis,to company power FTTH and intelligent village pilot projectconstruction played a strong technical support role. The ascensionfor national standard in power FTTH related technical developmenthas the milestone significance.

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