现货供应 58502A自感应切换分路器
东莞市启航电子科技有限公司 联系人:何经理: 客 服QQ:153462353 电 话: 传 真: 邮编:523710 邮 箱:wsktjhxk@126.com MSN:WSKTJHXK@126.COM Skype:piaoling0302 贸易通帐户:wsktjhxk 地址:东莞市塘厦镇塘厦大道120号 网址:http://www.hongda1718.comhttp://wsktjhxk.testmart.cn
产 品 说 明 The Symmetricom 58502A Broadband Distribution Amplifier is the one frequency standard distribution system that provides multiple features to ensure continuous distribution of your critical signals. It is designed to meet today’s demanding requirements for frequency distribution in manufacturing, R&D, and standards lab environments. It also provides economical distribution of precision signals from cesium, rubidium, quartz or GPS frequency standards. The 58502A Broadband Distribution Amplifier features low signal distortion and high isolation between output channels. Low output phase noise also helps maintain signal integrity.