Agilent 54852A | HP 54852AInfiniium示波器 2G產物簡介 54852A Infiniium示波器此刻供給了經濟的機能,供給了整整2GHz的即時帶寬,每條通道均撐持10GSa/s的取樣速度。這一業內當先的取樣速度能夠實現更切確、可反復性更高的測量,避免因為波形取樣不足導致的測量誤差和假信號。新型InfiniiMax1131A探頭系統能夠滿足*苛刻的機械接觸要求,而不會降械接触要求,而不会降低机能。 机能参数%26middot;2 GHz带宽的实时示波器,在所有4条信道上同时供给10 GSa/s的取样速度 %26middot;在10 GSa/s时高达1 M样点的MegaZoom深内存,在2 GSa/s和较低取样速度时32M样点的MegaZoom深内存 %26middot;每个InfiniiMax探头放大器都撑持差分测量和单端测量,供给了加倍经济的解决方案 %26middot;无可比拟的InfiniiMax探头配件,撑持浏览、焊接和插座利用模子,同时实现了*大机能 %26middot;精练易用、易于理解的发抖分析选项 %26middot;保举Infiniium 54852A示波器采用3.5 GHz InfiniiMax1131A探头和E2668A/E2669A连贯套件 (均零丁发卖) %26middot;新的可组装硬驱选项 (选项017) 如果閣下需要瞭解該設備詳細情況,請致電聯繫我們的銷售工程師,或發送電子郵件到lscaiyi@163.com索取產品規格書。>設備保修與備件更換條件自用戶購買之日本公司所有新產品均按照原廠質保條例提供3包服務;二手儀器提供7天退還和180天免費質保。 免除免費保修義務本公司的產品實行保修年限之內的有限保修。屬於下列情況的設備(包括部件)故障或損壞,不在有限保修之列(儘管產品在保修期之內),本公司不承擔免費保修義務:設備、部件已經超出了保修期; 客戶未按照說明書要求,錯誤安裝,保管及使用而造成的設備(包括部件)故障或损坏; 由非 本公司授权机构、人员拆卸而造成的设备(包括部件)故障或损坏; 因意外因素或者人为原因(包括如操作失误、划伤、搬运、磕碰、输入不合适的电压和电流等)导致的设备(包括部件)故障或损坏; 因自然灾害等不可抗力(如地震、火灾等)原因造成的产品故障或损坏;
Agilent 54852A | Oscillograph 2G of HP 54852AInfiniiumProduct brief introduction54852A Infiniiumoscillograph provided economic performance now, offerred full thereal time bandwidth of 2 GHz, every channeery channel all supportsthe sampling rate of 10 GSa/s. The banner sampling rate inside thisone course of study can come true more accurate, but themeasurement with taller repeatability, avoid what bring about as aresult of undee sampling inadequacy to measure false signal of sumof errors. System of probe of new-style. InfiniiMax 1131A cansatisfy the most slashing machinery to contact a requirement, andwon't reduce performance.Performance dataThe real time oscillograph of ·2 GHz bandwidth, offer the samplingrate of 10 GSa/s at the same time on 4 all channel· is as high as the MegaZoom deep memory that 1 M appearance nodswhen 10 GSa/s, the MegaZoom deep memory that when 2 GSa/s andinferior sampling rate 32 M appearance nodsAmplifier of every InfiniiMax probe supports · poor cent ismeasured and Chan Duan is measured, offerred more economicsolutionThe InfiniiMax probe fittings with incomparable · , support isbrowsed, solder to use a model with socket, achieved the greatestperformance at the same time· is handy use easily, understand easily shake analytic option· recommends Infiniium 54852A oscillograph to use probe of 3.5 GHzInfiniiMax 1131A and E2668A/E2669A join to cover (all sellalone)· is new dismountable hard drive option (option 017)