截止换向阀K23JD-15BW K23JK-15BW
K23JD-BW series is plate fitting shut-off directional valves 3/2 way.It treamlined structure, reliable action easy of maintenance,and especially suited to tough work conditions. Two types: electrically controlled and pneumatic controlled.
K23J-BW系列截止式换向阀 K23JD-8BW K23JD-10BW K23JD-15BW K23JD-20BW K23JD-25BW K23JD-32BW K23JD-40BW K23JD-8TBW K23JD-10TBW K23JD-15TBW K23JD-20TBW K23JD-25TBW K23JD-32TBW K23JD-40TBW
K23JD-8BW K23JD-10BW K23JD-15BW K23JD-20BW K23JD-25BW K23JD-32BW K23JD-40BW K23JD-8TBW K23JD-10TBW K23JD-15TBW K23JD-20TBW K23JD-25TBW K23JD-32TBW K23JD-40TBW
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