1. 成品鞋曲折(室温) Flexing For Complete Shoe(Room Temperature)
2. 成品鞋动态防水测试 Dynamic Waterproof Test
3. 成品鞋静态防水试验 Static Waterproof For Complete Shoe
4. 成品鞋曲折(低温) Flexing For Complete Shoe(Cold Temperature)
5. 鞋底剥离强度 Sole Bond Strength
6. 边条粘着力 Foxing Strength
7. 接缝强度 Seam/Stitching Strength
8. 配件拉脱强度 Attachment Strength For Ornament
9. 天皮附着力 Toe-Piece Strength
10. 鞋跟拉力 Heel Attachment
11. 耐光照 UV Light
12. 老化测试 Aged Test
13. 外观 Appearance
14. **鞋头冲击测试 Safety Toe Impact
15. **鞋头耐压缩测试 Safety Toe Compression
16. 抗静电 Static Dissipative/Antistatic
1. 耐磨擦 Rubbing/Crocking
2. 耐汗 Perspiration
3. 酚黄 PhenolicYellowing
4. 撕裂强度 Tear Strength
5. 球形顶破强度 Lastometer Ball Burst Test
6. 破裂强度 Mullen Burst Strength
7. 皮革曲折(室温&低温) Bally Flexing(Room Temperature& Cold Temperature)
8. 耐磨 Abrasion Resistance
9. 抗张强度及延伸率 Tensile Strength & Extension
10. 耐光照 UV Light
11. 耐水解 Hydrolysis For PU
1. 密度 Density
2. 厚度 Thickness
3. 硬度 Hardness
4. 抗拉强度及延伸率 Tensile Strength & Extension
5. 撕裂强度 Tear Strength
6. ROSS曲折(室温&低温) ROSS Flexing(Room Temperature& Cold Temperature)
7. AKRON耐磨 Abrasion AKRON
8. 防滑测试 Static Skid Resistance(James&Slip)
9. 耐油 Oil Resistqance
10. 压缩回弹 Compression Set
11. 老化测试 Aged Test
12. 橡胶吐霜 Blooming Test For Rubber
13. 不留痕测试 Non-Marking
1. 剥离强度(干/湿) Peel Strength Of Insole Ribs(Dry&Wet)
2. 耐弯曲 Flex Index
3. 中底撕裂 Tear Strength For Insock
1. 鞋扣中心针的拉脱强度 Pulling Strength For Center Prong&Buckle Bar
2. 松紧带抗拉及延伸 Elastic Tension And Elongation
3. 松紧带抗疲劳 Elastic Resistance To Repeated Extension
4. 松紧带有效延伸率 Limit Of Useful Extension
5. 鞋跟耐冲击 Impact Resistance For Heel
6. 鞋跟耐疲劳 Fatigue Test For Heel