  文件名称:  美国bnc Plam RAD 907 核辐射测量仪说明书
  公司名称:  上海孟良仪器技术有限公司
  下载次数:   910
  美国bnc Plam RAD 907 核辐射测量仪说明书,多功能射线仪报价,核辐射检测仪,射线检测仪,放射性监测报价,辐射检测仪报价、剂量率仪、表面污染测量仪、个人剂量报警仪价格。

Plam RAD 907为适用于政府、执法或私人部门(指企业)的非专业人士使用的理想的辐射探测器。它提供*高的辐射灵敏度,使它成为包括工业、医疗、应急响应或**和核**等多用途的理想工具。使用方便,您仅需把仪器对准被测对象即可得到读数。前面板上一个滑键启动或关闭仪器,也可控制发声和无声模式。另一个滑键开关允许用户预置测量总计数,或以mR/hr(μSv/hr)、CPM(CPS)单位显示放射性活度。

Model 907 palmRAD Nuclear Radiation Meter

The palmRAD 907 nuclear radiation meter provides multiple monitoring and surveying options in an easy-to-use handheld device. It measures alpha, beta, gamma and x-ray radiation which can be displayed in rates and total counts. The user can switch between mR/hr, Svi cpm and total counts.

There is a digital display of the selected mode and three other types of indicators - a LED indicator, an audio alarm and an audio chirp. The LED flashes with each count. The palmRAD 907 has a user adjustable alarm threshold. When the selected level has been exceeded the powerful audio alarm will sound. The audio chirp, when enabled, emits a single chirp with each count detected. Put low cost, reliable and proven nuclear radiation detection in the palm of your hand.