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- 产品名称:SP6/T7 Transcription Kit Roche
- 产品型号:10999644001
- 产品展商:Roche
- 产品文档:无相关文档
- 发布时间:2018-09-01
- 在线询价
In vitro transcription of DNA sequences cloned downstream of the SP6 or T7 promoter.
In vitro transcription of DNA sequences cloned downstream of the SP6 or T7 promoter. Homogeneously labeled RNA can be synthesized with high efficiency (60 - 70% incorporation) using either radioactively (e.g., [32P], [3H], [35S]) labeled or nonradioactively (e.g., digoxigenin or biotin) labeled ribonucleotides.
Large amounts of RNA suitable for in vitro translation can also be produced.
- pSPT18 DNA, 20 µl, 0.25 mg/ml
- pSPT19 DNA, 20 µl, 0.25 mg/ml
- Control DNA, 20 µl, 0.5 mg/ml
- ATP, 40 µl, 10 mM
- CTP, 40 µl, 10 mM
- GTP, 40 µl, 10 mM
- UTP, 40 µl, 10 mM
- Transcription Buffer 10x, 100 µl
- DNase I, RNase free, 200 U
- RNase Inhibitor, 400 U
- SP6 RNA Polymerase, 200 U
- T7 RNA Polymerase, 200 U
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