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- 产品名称:BMH Pierce
- 产品型号:22330
- 产品展商:Pierce
- 产品文档:无相关文档
- 发布时间:2018-07-18
- 在线询价
A long-arm, maleimide crosslinker for sulfhydryl conjugation.
Thermo Scientific Pierce BMH is a long-arm, maleimide crosslinker for covalent, irreversible conjugation between sulfhydryl groups (e.g., protein or peptide cysteines).

- Reactive groups: maleimide (homobifunctional)
- Reactive towards: sulfhydryl groups
- BMH permits irreversible crosslinking of sulfhydryl- containing compounds, using mild conditions
- Maleimides react specifically with sulfhydryl groups at pH 6.5-7.5
- Water insoluble; non-cleavable
- Mild, irreversible –SH to –SH crosslinking agent
- Chen, L.L., Rosa, J.J., Turner, S. and Pepinsky, R.B. (1991). Production of multimeric forms of CD4 through a sugar-based crosslinking strategy. J. Biol. Chem. 266(27), 18237-18243.
- Hansen, M.S.T. and Barklis, E. (1995). J. Virol. 69(2), 1150-1159.
- Ikushiro, S., et al. (1997). Biochemistry 36(23), 7154-7161.
- Schmidt, C.J., et al. (1992). J. Biol. Chem. 267(20), 13807-13810.
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