东莞市启航电子科技有限公司 联系人:曹先生/何先生 QQ在线:839463960/277496836 电 话: 传 真: E-MAIL:qihangyiqi@126.com 公司网址http://www.qihang17.com 地址:东莞市塘厦镇塘龙东路63号
产品名称:R&S EVS-Z3 ILS (LLZGS)VOR 产品类别:- 〉测试与测量 - 〉信号与频谱分析仪 产品型号:R&S EVS-Z3
The lightweight design of the R&S®EVS-Z3 ILSVOR dipole antenna and its compact size makes this antenna ideal for mobile measurements in the field. This option comes with two sets of rods of different lengths to support the two frequency ranges. The telescope mast can be extended to 3.1 m.
The R&S®EVS-Z4 option for the R&S®EVS-Z3 ILSVOR test antenna is a carrying bag for safely transporting all of the antenna elements and other accessories.
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