现金回收R&S RTM 探头RTM收购RTM探头
联系人:何经理 曹军(业务主管) QQ在线:2880196032 电 话 : 传 真 : E-MAIL:qihangyiqi@126.com 公司网址http://www.qihang17.com 地址:东莞市塘厦镇塘龙东路63号 24小时免费专线:400 0769 832
产品名称:探头 产品类别:- 〉测试与测量 - 〉示波器 产品型号:探头
上等有源和无源探头使得 R&S RTM 示波器如虎添翼。这些探头不仅拥有优异的技术指标,还具备杰出的可靠性和易用性。 · 遵循优异的技术规范,信号保真度极高 · 实用性好 – 可靠耐用且基于人体工程学设计 · 采用小型按钮,仪器控制更加方便 · 探头:集成式电压表,可以准确地实现直流测量 …丰富的附件 遵循优异的技术规范,信号保真度极高
Besides bandwidth, the crucial parameters for probes are input impedance and dynamic range. With their input impedance of 1 MΩ, the active probes put only a minimum load on a signal source’s operating point. 实用性好 – 可靠耐用且基于人体工程学设计
Reliable connection with the test point and the base unit, mechanical robustness, electrical reliability, as well as a practical design for easy use. That is exactly what the probes for the Rohde & Schwarz oscilloscopes offer. 采用小型按钮,仪器控制更加方便
The active probes from Rohde & Schwarz are equipped with a micro button on the probe tip. Different functions such as RunStop, Autoset or Adjust Offset can be assigned to this button. 探头:集成式电压表,可以准确地实现直流测量
There is a voltmeter integrated in the active probes. The R&S®ProbeMeter always shows the DC value of a measurement signal with the full dynamic range – regardless of the other instrument settings. Compared to a traditional oscilloscope channel, the R&S®ProbeMeter’s offers higher DC measurement accuracy. Test Alpha Probes 型号 探头类型 带宽 建议 RTM RTO 无源探头 R&S®RT-ZP10 R&S®RTM-ZP10 500 MHz 500 MHz
x x 高压探头 R&S®RT-ZH10 R&S®RT-ZH11 400 MHz 400 MHz x x x x 有源探头单端 R&S®RT-ZS10 R&S®RT-ZS10E 1 GHz 1 GHz x x x x R&S®RT-ZS20 1.5 GHz x R&S®RT-ZS30 3.0 GHz x 有源差分探头 R&S®RT-ZD20 1.5 GHz x x R&S®RT-ZD30 3.0 GHz x
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