联系人:曹军 QQ在线:2880196032 电 话 : 传 真 : E-MAIL:qihangyiqi@126.com 公司网址http://www.qihang18.com 地址:东莞市塘厦镇塘龙东路63号 24小时免费专线:400 0769 832
主要特性与技术指标 Signal characteristics 9 kHz to 13, 20, 31.8 or 40 GHz +20 dBm output power at 20 GHz -101 dBc/Hz phase noise at 10 GHz and 20 kHz offset High stability OCXO < ±5 x 10-10 per day Modulation and sweep AM, FM, ?M and narrow pulse Pulse train generator 10 MHz multifunction generator and LF out Digital step and list sweep modes with <600 μs switching speed Automation and communication interface 1000BaseT LAN, LXI, USB 2.0, and GPIB SCPI, IVI-COM, MATLAB drivers Backward compatible with all ESG, MXG, PSG and 8648x signal generators Agilent USB power sensor compatible with embedded display and SCPI control
信号源Agilent HP信号发生器 GSS4100 GSS4200 GSS6100 GSS6200 STR4500思博伦通信GPS 33210A 33220A 33250A 81180A 81160A 81150A 81160A 81150A 81150A E4400B E4338B E4438C E4421B E4422B E4432A E4432B N5183B N5182B N5181B N5173B N5172B N5171B M9381A M9380A E8257D N5183A N5182A N5181A E4428C E4438CIFR2023A IFR2023B IFR2025 IFR2026Q Marconi2025 MARCONI2024 R&SSMIQ03E SMIQ06B VP-8194D SUNLIGHT阳光7116C GV698 GV798 VM700A VM700T U8903A M9392A N9030A N9020A N9010A
粤公网安备 44190002002659号