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2、远程检测有害气体的成份,不要检测人员来回于实验室 和检测现场,适合:检测污染企业,生产车间,公共场所空气污染状况


Shanghai Jiashi SH-GAS multi-gas online continuous detection system received favorable comments from customers!

After years of accumulation, Shanghai Jiashi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. has a number of technically competent hardware engineers and software engineers.

The SH-GAS gas detection system is used by many customers and has good feedback.

Advantages of the SH-GAS multi-gas detection system:

1. It can be used for on-line detection of harmful gases in multiple locations.
2, remote detection of harmful gas components, do not test personnel back and forth in the laboratory and testing site, especially suitable for: detection of polluting enterprises, production workshops, public places air pollution
3, remote detection system can be, computer operation, convenient, fast, not complicated.
4, the sensor probe is connected to the computer, can print data online, data storage, as long as one person can operate, the software is very easy to use, no training, very easy to get started.
5. The online remote gas detection system reduces the complexity and cumbersomeness of the process, improves work efficiency and time, and opens up new markets for the environmental protection industry.

Shanghai Jiashi SH-GAS multi-gas online continuous detection system has received favorable comments from customers. Shanghai Jiashi Electronic Technology Co., Ltd. welcomes customers to contact us and provide demand. Shanghai Jiashi will customize hardware and software according to your requirements.

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