WIKA 带USB接口的压力变送器 CPT2500 CPA2500 带软件 压力变���器
Pressure transmitter model CPT2500 with USB adapter CPA2500 and software USBsoft2500
Pressure transmitter model CPT2500 with USB adapter model CPA2500
The CPT2500 pressure transmitter can, with the aid of the CPA2500 USB adapter, be connected to any PC that has a USB serial port.Using USBsoft2500 software, delivered as standard with the USB adapter, all settings for the recording of pressure profiles can be made. The collected measuring values can be graphically displayed and analysed.
The cycle time can be set in the range between 1 millisecond and 10 seconds. For measuring times of over 5 ms, in addition to the actual measured value, the average value over the measuring time and the maximum and minimum values during the measurement time can be recorded.
Thus pressure peaks can be detected very easily throughout the entire period that is recorded.Likewise it is possible, to define conditions for start and finish of the recording, and in this way an individual pressure peak of up to 1 ms can be captured.
The CPT2500 is thus very well suited to all applications, where the pressure profile needs to be recorded over a defined time period and analysed with high resolution.
For simple transportation the USB adapter is delivered in a compact carry case, which can also house one or more pressure transmitters