Ultraviolet light has a number of applications in forensic analysis and search including authenticating paintings, illuminating trace evidence and fingerprints. It can also be used during a search for skeletal remains.
UV fluorescence of burnt bone
Ultraviolet light is a form of electromagnetic radiation that has a shorter wavelength (between 10 and 400 nm) than the visible light spectrum and is naturally present in sunlight. It is used in various ways such as blacklights in bars, sunbeds and portable torches that can be used in forensics. The radiating energy produced from the source will cause a fluorescence in certain substances and this can be seen in the form of visible light. Bone fluoresces under UV light and therefore it can be used as a technique during night time search and recovery. In theory fluorescing bone can be easily identified and while this technique can be very useful, in practice it can prove slightly more challenging to identify skeletal material in inhospitable
Searching for skeletal remains using an Ultraviolet torch and goggles
terrain. UV light can help identify fragments of bone that may not have been identified during a daytime search and vice versa.
It remains that the use of UV light for the search purposes may be utilised in conjunction with other daytime search methods as a way of maximising the collection of evidence however more published research is needed in this area.
指纹检测: 法院实验室可以看出通过荧光材料显像出的指纹。 油脂检测:利用紫外灯激发油脂类物质发荧光的特性检测工件上的油渍/污渍。 卫生检查:由于人体液及其他组织生物污染物是**繁殖及异味的来源,使用紫外灯是进行相应的卫生检查的好方法。 纵火调查: 火灾处理部门可以对可疑火灾的现场进行检验,因为墙壁、家具及地毯上化学可燃物的滴溅物在紫外灯照射下即可发现。 证件检查:利用UV荧光检测对驾驶证、护照、信用卡等证件进行认别。 性犯罪、儿童/婚姻**调查: 使性液体发光,并且使褪色的淤伤重现。 盗窃汽车检测: 揭示非法从汽车部件上取走的3M 车辆识别号码标签上的荧光证据。 汽车事故分析: 通过显示碰撞后里程表指针离行走的荧光痕迹判断汽车行走速度。 伪钞鉴别: 和世界各地银行使用的紫外灯一样,美国**服务部门同样信赖它。 假火灾报警调查: 火灾处理部门,学校管理人员,监狱管理人员将我们的显像粉和矿油混合,涂在火灾报警手柄下面。 再次检票进入(重新接纳)控制: 对于这种应用,我们的可见标志荧光墨及紫外灯40年来一直用于检验机构,跑马场及娱乐场所,游泳池及公园等需要再次对进入者进行确认的场所。 防止偷窃: 可见的标记使用被盗物的防范成为简单的程序。