弹簧脚疲劳测试仪(5组) Frame movable test machine参考標准:GB13511-1999,GB/T14214-1998,QB2659-2004,QB2457-1999,行業標准等 主要用于測定鏡架的彈簧鉸鏈具有一定的耐用性,可承受一定次數的開合活動而保持原狀,目的是檢測彈簧鉸鏈的彈力變化情況。
Frame movable test machine reference standard: GB13511-1999, GB/T14214-1998, QB2659-2004, QB2457-1999, industry standards, etc Mainly used for testing the frame spring hinge has certain durability, can bear a certain number of movable activity and keep the original state, the purpose is to test the spring hinge spring of the changes.
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