  • 入驻时间: 2012-05-21
  • 联系人:吴献伍
  • 电话:021-33609386
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  • Email:tim@jwshy.com


  • 产品名称:直三口圆底烧瓶,8mm高真空,主口:24/40,侧口:24/40,500ml|曼斯韦尔MANSWARE

  • 产品型号:BH-F424500T
  • 产品厂商:曼斯韦尔MANSWARE
  • 产品价格:136.07
  • 折扣价格:297
  • 产品文档:
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: 提供了品类繁多、规格多样的烧瓶产品,包括带胶帽温度计套管圆底烧瓶、各种两口烧瓶、三口烧瓶和四口烧瓶等,具有高强度、厚壁等特点,能满足不同实验和应用场景的需求。 英文: Manswareoffersawidevarietyofflaskproductswithdiversespecifications,includingroundbottomflaskswithrubbercapthermometersleeves,varioustwo-portflasks,three-portflasks,andfour-portflasks,etc.Theyhavecharacteristicssuchashighstrengthandthickwalls,whichcanmeettheneedsofdifferentexperimentsandapplicationscenarios.
中文产品详情: 曼斯韦尔 MANSWARE 烧瓶产品详情介绍 一、产品细节图 [此处插入产品细节图片] 二、产品性能 高强度设计,坚固耐用,能承受各种实验条件。 多种接口规格,适配不同的实验装置。 三、用材 采用高质量的玻璃材料,确保良好的化学稳定性和耐热性。 四、参数表 产品名称 容量 磨口规格 类型 带胶帽温度计套管圆底烧瓶 25ml - 1000ml 14/20 - 29/42 圆底烧瓶 厚壁斜两口烧瓶 10ml - 5000ml 多种规格 两口烧瓶 斜三口烧瓶 10ml - 5000ml 多种规格 三口烧瓶 直三口烧瓶 50ml - 5000ml 多种规格 三口烧瓶 小角度三口球瓶 50ml - 5000ml 多种规格 三口球瓶 直三口平底烧瓶 200ml - 10000ml 24/29 平底烧瓶 斜三口平底烧瓶 200ml - 10000ml 24/29 平底烧瓶 直四口烧瓶 100ml - 5000ml 多种规格 四口烧瓶 斜四口烧瓶 25ml - 5000ml 多种规格 四口烧瓶 小角度四口圆底球瓶 100ml - 5000ml 多种规格 四口圆底球瓶 直三口圆底烧瓶 500ml - 2000ml 多种规格 三口圆底烧瓶 五、型号 丰富的型号选择,适应不同实验规模和要求。 六、用途 广泛应用于化学、生物、医药等领域的实验研究和生产过程。 七、包装 采用专业防震包装,保障产品运输安全。 八、使用说明 根据实验需求选择合适的容量和接口规格。 使用前检查烧瓶的完整性和密封性。 九、售后服务 提供优质的售后咨询和技术支持。 曼斯韦尔 MANSWARE 烧瓶,为您的实验和生产提供可靠保障。 英文产品详情: Product Details Introduction of Mansware Flask Products 一、Product Details Images [Insert product detail images here] 二、Product Performance High-strength design, durable and able to withstand various experimental conditions. Multiple interface specifications to adapt to different experimental devices. 三、Materials Adopt high-quality glass materials to ensure good chemical stability and heat resistance. 四、Parameter Table Product Name Capacity Grinding Mouth Specification Type Round Bottom Flask with Rubber Cap Thermometer Sleeve 25ml - 1000ml 14/20 - 29/42 Round Bottom Flask Thick-wall Oblique Two-port Flask 10ml - 5000ml Various Specifications Two-port Flask Oblique Three-port Flask 10ml - 5000ml Various Specifications Three-port Flask Straight Three-port Flask 50ml - 5000ml Various Specifications Three-port Flask Small Angle Three-port Ball Flask 50ml - 5000ml Various Specifications Three-port Ball Flask Straight Three-port Flat-bottom Flask 200ml - 10000ml 24/29 Flat-bottom Flask Oblique Three-port Flat-bottom Flask 200ml - 10000ml 24/29 Flat-bottom Flask Straight Four-port Flask 100ml - 5000ml Various Specifications Four-port Flask Oblique Four-port Flask 25ml - 5000ml Various Specifications Four-port Flask Small Angle Four-port Round Bottom Ball Flask 100ml - 5000ml Various Specifications Four-port Round Bottom Ball Flask Straight Three-port Round Bottom Flask 500ml - 2554ml Various Specifications Three-port Round Bottom Flask 五、Models Rich model choices to adapt to different experimental scales and requirements. 六、Uses Widely used in experimental research and production processes in the fields of chemistry, biology, medicine, etc. 七、Packaging Adopt professional shock-proof packaging to ensure the safety of product transportation. 八、Usage Instructions Select the appropriate capacity and interface specification according to the experimental requirements. Check the integrity and sealing of the flask before use. 九、After-sales Service Provide high-quality after-sales consultation and technical support. Mansware flasks provide reliable guarantee for your experiments and production.