The electron measures signal generator of Rohde&Schwarz SMA100A 3G of signal generator of 1.65-3GHz of instrument signal generator | Lord and Shiwaci | 9kHz comes 3GHz/6GHzz Rohde%26amp;Schwarz SMA100A 6G射頻信號發生器羅德施瓦茨9kHz-3G/6GHz 品牌:德國R/S羅德施瓦茨Rohde%26amp;Schwarz R%26amp;S The R%26amp;SSMA100A combines superior signal quality with very high settingspeed, which makes it ideal for any task. Whethask. Whether in development,production, service or maintenance, the R%26amp;S SMA100A does anexcellent job. 安捷伦83751A 83751A信号发生器是由深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司现货销售安捷伦83751A,租赁83751A,校准83751A,维修83751A信号发生器 83751A频率到20G,测试功率 83751A售前咨询,售后完善 In thefrequency range from 9 kHz to 6 GHz, it can generate CW signals aswell as all common types of analog modulation (AM, FM, %26phi;M, pulsemodulation). Excellent specificati and a wide range ofmodulation signals %26ndash; these are the characteristic features of theR%26amp;S%26reg; SMA100A. In addition, a low-jitter clock synthesizeroption supplies differential clock signals of up to 1.5 GHzindependently of the RF frequency. 安捷伦83751A 83751A信号发生器是由深圳市迈凯瑞仪器仪表有限公司现货销售安捷伦83751A,租赁83751A,校准83751A,维修83751A信号发生器 83751A频率到20G,测试功率 83751A售前咨询,售后完善 Excellent signal quality *Very low SSBphase noise of typ. %26ndash;135 dBc (20 kHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1Hz measurement bandwidth), typ. %26ndash;140 dBc with the Enhanced PhaseNoise Performance option (R%26amp;S SMA-B22) *Wideband noiseof typ. %26ndash;160 dBc (%26gt;10 MHz carrier offset, f = 1 GHz, 1 Hzmeasurement bandwidth) *Nonharmonicsof typ. %26ndash;100 dBc (%26gt;10 kHz carrier offset, f %26lt; 1500 MHz, withthe R%26amp;S SMA-B22 option)
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