N5227B PNA 微波网络分析仪,900 Hz/10 MHz 至 67 GHz
PNA 系列网络分析仪具有性能,是测试放大器、混频器和变频器的理想选择。 PNA 系列将先进的硬件和应用软件融为一体,能够快速、准确地测量各种器件。 所有型号都包含 2 端口单信号源或 4 端口双信号源两种配置。 内置脉冲调制器和脉冲发生器提供了脉冲 S 参数测量。

以超低不确定度和超高稳定度执行 S 参数测量。
keysight PNA系列PNA微波网络分析仪,900Hz/10MHz至13.5GHz/26.5GHz/43.5GHz/50GHz/67GHz
keysight N5221B 10MHz-13.5GHz
keysight N5222B 10MHz-26.5GHz
keysight N5224B 10MHz-43.5GHz
keysight N5225B 10MHz-50GHz
keysight N5227B 10MHz-67GHz
是德网络分析仪在研发领域,PNA 可提供更高的测量完整性,帮助您将深入的洞察转变为出色的设计
是德网络分析仪在生产线上,PNA 能够提供您需要的吞吐量和可重复性,帮助您将设计转化为富有竞争力的产品
二手是德N5227B网络分析仪 Hardware options
N5221B-200 2-port, base hardware configuration
N5221B-201 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5221B-205 2-port, configurable test set, ref mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5221B-210 2-port with metrology configuration
N5221B-217 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5221B-219 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5221B-220 2-port with configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5221B-400 4-port with second source
N5221B-401 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch
N5221B-405 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, bias tees, low frequency extension
N5221B-410 4-port with second source, metrology configuration
N5221B-417 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators
N5221B-419 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees
N5221B-420 4-port with second source, configurable test set, reference mixer switch, source and receiver attenuators, bias tees, low frequency extension
Calibration documentation
N5221B-1A7 Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Not Accredited)
N5221B-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N5221B-UK6 Commercial calibration certificate with test data
Additional hardware capability
N5221B-021 Add pulse modulator to internal 1st source
N5221B-022 Add pulse modulator to internal 2nd source
N5221B-020 Add IF inputs
Software with Subscription
S93007B 自动夹具移除
S93010B 时域分析
S93011B 配有 TDR 选件的增强时域分析软件
S93015B S 参数测量动态不确定度
S93025B 基本脉冲射频测量
S93026B 先进的脉冲射频测量
S93029B 利用矢量校正进行噪声系数测量
S93080B 频偏测量
S93082B 标量混频器/变频器测量
S93083B 矢量和标量混频器/变频器测量
S93084B 嵌入式本振功能
S93086B 增益压缩测量
S93087B 互调失真测量
S93088B 信号源相位控制
S93089B 差分和 I/Q 器件测量
S930900B 频谱分析,高达 8.5 GHz
S930901B 频谱分析,高达 13.5 GHz
S93118B 快速连续波测量
S93460B 真实模式激励
S93551B 网络分析仪 N 端口校准测量
S93898B 内置性能测试软件
N5221B-1CM Rack mount kit for installation without handles
N5221B-1CP Rack mount kit for installation with handles
N1966A 脉冲 I/O 适配器
N6171A MATLAB 软件