TDS2024B特点和优点 `200 MHz 带宽 `高达 2 GS/s 的实时采样速率 `4 通道 `彩色 LCD 显示器 `通过前面板 USB 端口支持可移动数据存储设备 `通过 USB 设备端口及 Open Choice ? 和 NI Signal Express ? PC 软件,无缝连接 PC `**触发,包括脉宽触发和选行视频触发 `快速傅立叶变换 (FFT) 和波形加、减、乘数**算功能 `11 种参数自动测量功能 `中文用户界面和上下文相关帮助菜单 `通过USB设备端口直接打印到所有兼容 PictBridge ? 的打印机 TDS2024B优点: 数字实时采样 ----- 在所有通道上和所有时间以至少5倍的过采样来准确地捕获信号。 专用的前面板控制装置 ----- 利用前面板控制装置缩短学习时间,把更多时间用在执行任务上。 前面板USB端口 ----- 快速存储和传输您的波形 USB即插即用个人电脑连接 ----- 通过和泰克OpenChoice? Desktop软件轻松传输、分析和备案结果。 直接打印连接 ----- 方便地打印到任何PictBridge? 兼容打印机。 TDS2024B-泰克 TDS2024B-二手 TDS2024B- TDS2024B示波器- TDS2024B 价格- TDS2024B说明书-销售 TDS2024B-租赁TDS2024B-回收 TDS2024B-维修 TDS2024B -计量 TDS2024B -校准 TDS2024B-迈凯瑞 TDS2024B -特价 TDS2024B-尽在迈凯瑞 TDS2024B 销售 TDS2024B TDS2024B 详细资料请来电咨询,你的来电是我们*大的荣幸!
联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ:1946418560 廖先生 QQ:785298834
Agilent EEsof EDA University Education Support Program The new Student License Program is part of Agilent EEsof's University Educational Support Program, which offers full versions of Agilent EEsof software to qualified academic institutions for instructional use. This software, the same as used in industry , creates a full RF-EDA experience to help students develop skills that will serve them throughout their careers. A working knowledge of Agilent EEsof's design tool capabili ties allows students to enter the workforce with skills valued by industry-leading empl oyers. Additionally, the software enables professors to encourage student creativity and students to capture and present that creativity in a form that's recognized and trusted in conference papers, presentation and proposals.TDS2024B
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