FSQ26频谱分析仪维修FSQ26 FSQ26 租赁FSQ26 回收FSQ26 FSQ26
FSQ26 20Hz至26.5GHz。 FSQ不仅继承了FSU的出色的频谱分析仪特性和功能,而且其解调和分析带宽可高达120MHz,还提供了基站频谱杂散发射和多载波测量所必需的高动态范围。因此,FSQ是进行下列产品开发和生产的理想工具:WLAN、WiMAX、WCDMA、HSPA/HSPA+、GSM/EDGE/GPRS、CDMA2000/1x EV-DO、TD-SCDMA、LTE TDD/LTE FDD、Bluetooth等。 为了解决日益增加的数据吞吐量问题,未来移动无线和相关领域对带宽的要求必然越来越高。即使今天,GSM或3GPP基站的多载波信号在功率输出阶段常常需要进行放大,尽管这样一方面可以降低技术要求和成本,但同时也增加了传输带宽。随着分析带宽要求的提高,现有频谱分析仪产品已经难于满足分析要求,市场需要具有更高分析带宽的产品,而同时满足动态范围的苛刻要求。 R&S?FSQ不仅继承了R&S?FSU的出色的频谱分析仪特性和功能,而且其解调和分析带宽可高达120MHz。因此,R&S?FSQ是进行下列产品开发和生产的理想工具: ?WLAN ?3GPP和 GSM-MCPA ?WiMAX 除此之外,当与下列应用选件一起工作时,R&S? FSQ26还能支持2G、2.5G、3G以及4G移动无线系统的测量应用: GSM/EDGE Application Firmware R&S?FS-K5 AM/FM/PM Measurement Demodulator for R&S?FSQ/FSU/FSP/FSUP Analyzers and the R&S?ESCI/ESPI Test Receivers R&S?FS-K7 Bluetooth? Application Firmware R&S?FS-K8 Power Sensor Measurements R&S?FS-K9 GSM/EDGE/EDGE Evolution Measurements R&S?FS-K10 VOR/ILS Measurement Demodulator for R&S?FSMR/R&S?FSU/R&S?FSQ - Analysis for VOR and ILS signals R&S?FS-K15 Application Firmware for Noise Figure and Gain Measurements for R&S?FSP, R&S?FSU and R&S?FSQ (preamplifier recommended, e.g. R&S?FSU-B25) Outperforming any conventional noise measurement system R&S?FS-K30 Application Firmware for phase noise measurements R&S?FS-K40 Firmware General Purpose Vector Signal Analyzer Universal demodulation, analysis and documentation of digital radio signals This option is available for instruments for: R&S?FSUP8: as of serial number 100024 R&S?FSUP26: as of serial number 100068 R&S?FSUP50: as of serial number 100013 R&S?FSQ-K70 3GPP BTS/Node B FDD Application Firmware 3GPP transmitter measurements with R&S?FSQ signal analyzers and R&S?FSU, R&S?FSG, R&S?FSUP, R&S?FSMR, R&S?FMU and R&S?FSP spectrum analyzers R&S?FS-K72 3GPP UE FDD Application Firmware (including HSUPA) 3GPP transmitter measurements with R&S?FSQ signal analyzers and R&S?FSU, R&S?FSG, R&S?FSUP, R&S?FSMR, R&S?FMU and R&S?FSP spectrum analyzers R&S?FS-K73 3GPP HSPA+ UE Application Firmware 3GPP transmitter measurements with R&S?FSQ signal analyzers and R&S?FSU, R&S?FSG and R&S?FSP spectrum analyzers. Requires R&S?FS-K73 R&S?FS-K73+ 3GPP HSDPA Base Transceiver Station (BTS) Application Firmware 3GPP transmitter measurements with R&S?FSQ signal analyzers and R&S?FSU, R&S?FSG, R&S?FSUP, R&S?FSMR, R&S?FMU and R&S?FSP spectrum analyzers. Requires R&S?FS-K72 R&S?FS-K74 3GPP HSPA+ BTS Application Firmware 3GPP transmitter measurements with R&S?FSQ signal analyzers and R&S?FSU, R&S?FSG, R&S?FSUP, R&S?FSMR, R&S?FMU and R&S?FSP spectrum analyzers. Requires R&S?FS-K74
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