N9020B租赁二手N9020B深圳 N9020B租赁二手N9020B信号分析仪
是德N9020B MXA 信号分析仪,多点触控,10 Hz 至 50 GHz
Keysight MXA X-Series Signal Analyzer, Multi-touch N9020B
This configuration guide will help you determine which performance options, measurement applications, accessories, and services to include with your new multi-touch MXA or to add as upgrades to an existing MXA.
X 系列应用软件提供一键式测量,显著简化测试
Frequency range
N9020B-503 Frequency Range, 10 Hz to 3.6 GHz
N9020B-508 Frequency Range, 10 Hz to 8.4 GHz
N9020B-513 Frequency Range, 10 Hz to 13.6 GHz
N9020B-526 Frequency Range, 10 Hz to 26.5 GHz
N9020B-532 Frequency Range, 10 Hz to 32 GHz
N9020B-544 Frequency Range, 10 Hz to 44 GHz
N9020B-550 Frequency Range, 10 Hz to 50 GHz
N9020B-P03 Preamplifier, 3.6 GHz
N9020B-P08 Preamplifier, 8.4 GHz
N9020B-P13 Preamplifier, 13.6 GHz
N9020B-P26 Preamplifier, 26.5 GHz
N9020B-P32 Preamplifier, 32 GHz
N9020B-P44 Preamplifier, 44 GHz
N9020B-P50 Preamplifier, 50 GHz
N9020B-B1A Analysis Bandwidth, 125 MHz
N9020B-B1X Analysis Bandwidth, 160 Mhz
N9020B-B40 Analysis Bandwidth, 40 MHz
N9020B-B85 Analysis Bandwidth, 85 MHz
Performance Options
N9020B-FT2 Frequency Mask Trigger, Optimum Detection License
N9020B-MPB Microwave Preselector Bypass
N9020B-NF2 Noise Floor Extension
N9020B-PFR Precision Frequency Reference
N9020B-TDS Time Domain Scan
N9020B-DP2 Deep Capture Memory
N9020B-EA3 Electronic Attenuator, 3.6 GHz, Upgrade
N9020B-EDP Enhanced Display Package License
N9020B-EMC Basic EMC Functionality License
N9020B-FP2 Fast Power, Up To 40 MHz Bandwidth
N9020B-FT1 Frequency Mask Trigger, Basic Detection License
N9020B-RBE Resolution Bandwidth Extended
Baseband Inputs
N9020B-BBA I/Q Baseband Inputs, Analog
Calibration Options
N9020B-AMG Calibration + Uncertainties + Guardbanding (Accredited)
N9020B-A6J ANSI Z540-1-1994 Calibration
N9020B-UK6 Commercial Calibration Certificate with Test Data
Connection Options
N9020B-CR3 Connector, Wideband IF Output
N9020B-CRP Connector, Programmable Rear IF Output
N9020B-YAS Y-Axis Ouptut
External Mixing
N9020B-EXM External Mixing
Real time signal analysis
N9020B-RT1 Real-time analysis up to maximum available BW, basic detection license
N9020B-RT2 Real-time analysis up to maximum available BW, optimum detection, license
Portable Packaging
N9020B-PRC Portable Configuration
Security - PC features
N9020B-SF2 Security Features, Prohibit Saving Results
N9020B-SSD Additional Removable Solid State Drive
N9020B-SF1 Security Features, Exclude Launching Programs
Source Connectivity
N9020B-ESC External Source Control License
Application software
89601B - 89600 VSA 软件
N6171A MATLAB 软件
N9063C 模拟解调测量应用软件,多点触控用户界面
N9068C Phase Noise Measurement Application, Multi-touch UI
N9069C 噪声系数测量应用软件,多点触控用户界面
N9071C GSM / EDGE / Evo Measurement Application, Multi-Touch UI
N9073C W-CDMA/HSPA/HSPA+ Measurement Application, Multi-touch UI
N9077C WLAN 802.11a/b/g/j/p/n/ac/af/ah/ax Measurement Application, Multi-Touch UI
N9080C LTE/LTE-Advanced FDD 测量应用软件,多点触控用户界面
N9082C LTE / LTE-Advanced TDD Measurement Application, Multi-touch UI
N9081C Bluetooth Measurement Application, Multi-Touch UI
N9084C Short Range Communications Measurement Application, Multi-Touch UI
N9067C Pulse Measurement Application, Multi-touch UI
N6141C EMI Measurement Application, Multi-Touch UI
N9054C VMA 矢量调制分析应用软件,多点触控用户界面
N9061C Remote Language Compatibility Application, Multi-Touch UI
Real Time Recorder
N9020B-RTR Real-Time Spectrum Recorder And Analyzer Application Example, License
1CM113A Rack mount flange kit 177.0mm H (4U) - two flange brackets, 2015 color
1CN103A Handle kit 177.0mm H (4U) - two front handles, 2015 color
1CP105A Rack mount flange and handle kit 177.0mm H (4U) - two brackets and front handles
1DVR001A ROM/CD-R/RW drive
1KBD001A USB keyboard-smaller keyboard
1MSE001A Mouse
MLP001A Minimum loss pad, 50 to 75 ohm
1CR013A Rack Slide Kit for 11in, 14in, and 16in Mounting Holes
Additional Documentation
N9020B-AB1 Korean localization, user interface and getting started guide
N9020B-AB2 Chinese localization, user interface and getting started guide
N9020B-ABE Spanish localization, user interface and getting started guide
N9020B-ABF French localization, user interface and getting started guide
N9020B-ABJ Japanese localization, user interface and getting started guide
N9020B-AKT Russian localization, user interface and getting started guide
联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ:1946418560
廖先生 QQ:785298834
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