10 MHz 至 40 GHz
110 dB 的动态范围和 <0.006 dB 的迹线噪声
<26 微秒/点的测量速度,32 个通道,20001 个测量点
支持 TRL/LRM 校准,提供晶圆、夹具、波导和天线测量
014 Configurable test set
UNL2 Extended power range andbias-tees (Require 014)
016 Add receiver attenuators (Requires UNL (only E8361C alsorequires 014) )
H851 High-power configuration(Includes 014, 016, UNL2, 080, 081)
010 Time-domain capability
080 Frequency offset (Requires 014 (E8361C only, 081required if UNL is also purchased) )
081 Reference receiver switch(Requires 014, 080 (only E8361Calso requires UNL) )
083 Vector- and scalar-calibratedconverter measurements(Requires 014, 080, 081(onlyE8361C also requires UNL)
0843 Embedded LO measurements(Requires 082 or 083)
5504 4-port measurement application(Requires 014)
5514 N-port capabilities (Requires 014)
H08 Pulsed-RF measurementcapability(Requires 014, 080 (Option H11recommended)
H11 IF access (for antenna,pulsed-RF and mm-wavemeasurements)(Requires 014, UNL, 080, and 081)
1. Option H85 is ordered as a separate model, as indicated.
2. UNL up to 67 GHz does not include bias-tees. Only includes source attenuators.
3. Requires firmware A.07.05 and above, plus 1.1 GHz CPU board.
4. Option 550 is a subset of 551; therefore they cannot be ordered together. When ordering a test set, select an option to specify the appropriateinterconnect jumper cable set between the analyzer and the test set.
5. Additional hardware required. Please refer to the analyzer’s Service Guide for required service test equipment.
联系人:姚小姐:电话 QQ:1946418560
廖先生 QQ:785298834
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