本公司长期销售 租赁 维修 回收二手罗德施瓦茨SMIQ02E 2G信号发生器 二手罗德施瓦茨SMIQ02E 2G信号发生器,欢迎来电联系。 本公司长期销售 租赁 维修 回收二手罗德施瓦茨SMIQ02E 2G信号发生器 二手罗德施瓦茨SMIQ02E 2G信号发生器,欢迎来电联系。 联系人:张先生 联系电话: 传真: E-mail:@163.com 在线咨询QQ:274707770 备注:长期现金高价回收:二手手机通讯测试仪器,示波器,频谱分析仪,网络分析仪,综合测试仪,信号源,示波器,电源,万用表,功率计,电源,电子负载,天馈线分析仪,功率计/头,LCR表,GPIB卡等等。如果你手中还有闲置的二手仪器,防止存放贬值,挤压资金,你也可以联系我,我们愿意以市场*高价回收利用,您的满意就是我们*终的追求。
Rohde&Schwarz SMIQ02E 2G信号发生器|罗德与施瓦茨|300kHz至2.2GHz The economy models SMIQ02E and SMIQ03E have especially been designed for the needs in production, environments and satisfy the requirement for an economically attractive solution with an outstanding price/performance ratio. Main features ◇ Versatile and broadband generation of digitally modulated signals up to 7 Msymbol/s ◇ Analog and digital modulation capabilities ◇ Generation of TDMA and CDMA signals to all main mobile radio standards ◇ Broadband I/Q modulator with outstanding vector accuracy ◇ Optional internal fading simulator to test specifications of mobile radio standards
Frequency Range 300 kHz - 3.3 GHz. Frequency Resolution 0.1 Hz. Output Range -140 dBm to +13 dBm. Output Resolution 0.1 dB. Time Base Stability 0.000001 ppm. Spectral purity: Harmonics at level ?10 dBm <-30 dBc; SSB phase noise at 1 GHz, carrier offset 20 kHz, 1 Hz bandwidth; SMIQ02E/SMIQ03E CW <-116 dBc; Vector modulation: <-113 dBc. Modulation with SMIQ02E/SMIQ03E: Frequency/phase modulation internal, external AC/DC, two-tone with two modulation channels; with PM: bandwidth 2 MHz only for channel 2 Max. deviation FM PhM, bandwidth 100 kHz/2 MHz depending on carrier frequency: 5 to 20 MHz, 50 to 200 rad/2.5 to10 rad. Modulation frequency range FM DC to 8 MHz. Digital standards with options SMIQB10 and SMIQB11: GSM, NADC, PDC, PHS, CDMA, IS-95.